10/30 Trading Futures Update - Precious Metals, S&P500-Up, Crypto Down

As we open trading futures in the far east, what a market we had yesterday. The DOW whipsawed yesterday with a daily swing of 900 points. The S&P put in a lower low than last week. GE put in an long term low and may stop their dividend payment. All the FAANG stock are down over 20%, now all in a BEAR market. Ugly, ugly RED candles out there.

Precious metals looked good for awhile, then sold off as the USD was boosted up, as a result of the stawk market and more China tariff talks. Silver tested the upper resistance level of 14.84 and the manipulators found a way to slap down the price, AGAIN.

S&P 500, could not hold the big open, up over 27 points, then reversed. BTFD didn't work today, but here we are, another day, another attempt to juice the futures this mores. Time to load up the shorts, unless window dressing takes over the next four trading days.

Crypto is not the safe haven currency we once that, no matter what the dollar does, it is caught in a range, and goes down on ever sign of stock market stress.

Keep stacking. Go get you some.

Thanks for following @RollingThunder


My Stack is looking better every Ounce I get!

Looking at all the volatility in all the market, sleeping well knowing I have diversification against fiat currency.

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