Where Do We Go From Here?

Man what a journey!

Some people say that Steemit is slowing down. Well I am not sure what Community those people belong to but it's only getting faster in #steemsilvergold.


So Lets see here, we have been through the start up a little over a year ago. Now it was slow back then, 20 of us running around posting as many times a day as we could, just to get the word out.


We've grown, to a much lager community with some outstanding members. We have our own steem silver round, in fact we have had 2 of them produced so far. We have had a rise and fall and then rise again on a cummunty vote bot, which brings me to the Monster Raffles. Simply amazing a group of individuals that have never met can pull off a Monster Raffle. All the way from the donations to the ticket sales. It's a clear sign that we are truly a community.


So with all the excitement over the past 6 months where do we go now. I mean in six months we have created a new vote bot, had the 2018 steem round released, not one but 2 Monster Raffles. So what now? It's easy and important. WE NEED RECRUITMENT!


We need to continue to grow, we need members. Lets face it we all believe the same thing, we all believe that one day silver and gold will represent a monetary system again. So now is our time to focus back on what we believe in, recruit some new members that will help spread the word. One thing you have to keep in mind with recruitment is this; not all stackers make themselves known. I call these people shadow stacker. They have been stacking forever and you would never have known. So if they believe in what we believe in then they should be welcomed to join.

So Lets get Back to the basic, lets show them some unboxings, lets prove to them that silver and gold is real Money, lets dig deep amd spend some time researching and writing quality articles about precious metals.


The Future is bright for us, lets grow and enjoy it together.


Proud supporter and members of #steemsilvergold


Proud to be a part of @ssg-commumity


And most of all I am a Proud Stacker


Thanks for stopping by, keep stacking my friends.



Full agreement. For a while there, it seemed as if #steemsilvergold was devolving into nothing but contests and raffles. Bring back unboxings, challenges, and basically just showing off the newest additions to one's stack! Those were the glory days of #steemsilvergold.

We are going to be an empire

Great post Ray! And i’d like to add that recruitment of anyone to just Steemit in general is a win. Stackers are of our chief interest of course, but there’s all kinds of tags here: food, fashion, travel, booze, music, sports, etc., etc.

Let people know about Steem especially if they’re stackers, but also if they’re quality people with an interest in a censorship-free global platform where everyone is encouraged to teach, learn and participate in a myriad of ways.

Be like Ray and spread the good word!

Here Here, Thank you Brother Ray..........@ssg-community is Alive and Well

Thank you Reverend Ray.....👍

Full steem ahead folks!!

Yep, we have to keep getting the word out. I've been encouraged to see so many non-traditional stackers joining the community. It means we're becoming more inclusive of people who value precious metals, but might not yet be hardcore stackers.

Seems like the biggest barrier to adoption is the sign-up process. If we could set up a fund that would enable a large amount of users to be signed up at once without the two-week waiting period or an initial investment I think would really increase activity on the platform.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hardfork 20 which is supposed to come later this month is supposed to shorten the process considerably. You should be able to get instant account creation because accounts won't need delegation to post. Each account will have resource credits that are separate from SP, so they won't need to delegate to create a new account. That should make it much, much simpler to create new accounts.

That's fantastic to hear. Thanks for the clarification.

Posted using Partiko Android

The success of #steemsilvergold is due to our combined and continued support of one another.
Our recruitment of other like-minded, cross-supportive new members will grow our group.

A community will be a game changer in nextday/future!


Monetization of a community:

What i hope will be the game changer is that there can be an incentive to monetize a community. as an example, if you're able to create a thriving community of webdev, the owner of it might be able to create a fascinating of the rewards on it.

So friends join this community and make a biggest community at steemit!

Best of luck

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