in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

Alright stackers, I have been laying low over the past couple of days but I think it's time, enough is enough.


For the second time this week we have had a member flagged by @grumpycat for no apparent reason other than they didn't use a vote bot that the cat approves of. Which I really don't understand why or who made him the bot police.

We are stronger as a group


Now this may just be a coinsidence but two SSG members have been flagged by him, one of the cats reasoning is using bots that are not limited to the 3.5 days before payout. Now I have looked at each one of the post and both of them where well writhing the 3.5 days. Here are the 2 post , one by @thedamus and one by @kp138.



Now both of these guys have been members for a while. Both also contribute to the SSG with quality post. This act of flagging was not neccassary on these 2 post.

This can not continue to happen to our members, that are well within there right to use bots. See here at steemit you are free to do what you want and I personally do not see anything these 2 guys have done wrong.

This tag has always had a hard time pulling together, but rest assure that now is the time, the days of not helping members out need to come to a stop.

Now back to the issue at hand, let me explain a little bit about the cat. This account has been active since November of 2017. The account is heavily invested in steem. Over 600,000 Steem power to be exact. Now the account is currently in a power down which means he is pulling over 45,000 Steem off of the platform a week. That $185,400 a week. So I ask you this, with that type of power down, is he really invested or is he just trying to cause problems. Or maybe they are working for a specific vote bot and is trying to get everyone to go to that bot and not the other. I don't know.

This account also uses each of the bots that our members have been flagged for using



Here is what the account is with drawing every week.


Now this account can do some serious damage to anyone it wants to and that's fine, that is their right. But at the same time so can we, and I say we as a group because that is what it will take.


👆 This is one that is built by many👆

There is no one person any better than the others in this group, but if we don't have each other's backs then what are we exactly

The next member that the cat attacks requires attention from all of us and if we do this each time he will eventually leave us the hell alone. @thedamus and @kp138 or anyone else can not do this alone. We all need to show up with a group of flags.

The time is now for this group to finally support each other, we have to get pass this as a group.


Fuckin’ A Ray! Thanks for showing up on this issue. It’s important.

Don’t fuck with #steemsilvergold


I'm thinking we should reach out to other grops as well that are being effected. I know people at #thealliance are being effected as well. Especially are buddies @michaeldavid and @sneaky-ninja

MD is the bomb dot com — just let me know... i will thrash blindly towards what i think is correct

Any #thealliance member has me at their 6!


🔫 They don't call us the family for nothing.


This is totally unfair. He should not do that. Why can't we just live peacefully?

@raybrockman apparently the Grumpy Cat guy does not know who he is messing with. ...........


Yeeuh, don't fuck with the family.

I got my dick in one had and a sword in the other! Don't ask I have weird hobbies...but we ride together die together! 😎

Hopefully not tip to tip!

Hey man, they take the chance, either way something's happening to them

Bah ha ha — i’m sure as fuck going to run from that! Lol

"Aye, fight and ye may die. Run, and ye may live, at least for a while. And dying in your beds , many years from now, would you be willin' to trade all the days, from this day to that, for one chance ,just one chance, to come back here, and tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... Our Freedom!"

Also fuck that cat.

Fuckin’ A Elvis!

really fuck fuck

With brave hearts and big hammers we shall emerge victorious!

Sending a lil’ bot-heat — 💥💀💥

Thx Ray!

The mafia members will show up and show out!

Fuckin’ A pb!


There’ll be no fucking around!

Yeah melt that cat down.

Melt The Cat! Melt The Cat...!

Fucking love this

Just let us know bro!

...solid baby! .999

I’m in man
Not sure what I can do to help but I’ll be here at the ready

Just get ready to flag that piece of shit.

how does one flag ? is it that flag symbol to the right of my post ---->

Yep! Don’t initiate ‘til ya’ wanna...

These 2 quotes spring to mind.
"In every age it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both to deceive and overawe the People." EUGENE V. DEBS

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure." THOMAS JEFFERSON

Keep us informed.

I tend to go with 'If Jefferson said it' , it's cool.

Respect the more intelligent....

...And take away the power given to the stupid...it never ends well..

Looking over his contents, he has a problem with bots upvoting on the sixth day. Can someone help me understand why here?

It’s just crass... leave it at that and don’t upvote old posts...

There is a long winded argument about why there is this sentiment — but just trust me, if your post says anything older than “3 days” just leavr it alone and get busy moving fwd.

So as a newby I cant get upvotes on my old post??????? Yal follow me....https://steemit.com/@madman4shure

Jus’ be cool, show off your best manners and post good shit — it’ll work out fine.

Welcome aboard Madman!


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