W A R, are you ready?steemCreated with Sketch.


Another heated week between North Korea and the United States of America, neither side seems to be backing down.


Are You Prepared?

I don't think we will have much warning when this thing starts, lets just pray it doesn't, but there are some things that you can do to be ready.


You should have enough on had, at least a weeks worth. Do not relay on credit or debt cards, or crypto currency they dont work when the power is out.

Food and Water.

You should have at least 2 weeks worth of food and water on hand, 1 months worth if possible. Grocery stores will run out in a crisis.


Well, you can figure this one out. Each person would be different, some are okay with guns and some are not. Myself I have 5 guns, one for each one of my family members.

Medical Supplies

Last, but probably the most important. You need to have a basic first aid kit. In this kit it wouldd be smart to store some battries as well.

You Can Not Predict Crazy

These two leaders are trying to see who has the biggest ball, but it is you and I that will fill the out come of the battle. I am not against war, but I am against waiting for the enmy to take the first strike. This is a very dangerous situation, and neither side seems to be backing down.


What Would War Do To Gold And Silver?

Is this the last weekend to buy at this low price?

2017-06-28 07.37.27.png

Right Now There Are Alot Of What Ifs, But Ask Yourself This, What If You Aren't Prepared!

This is not a situation that you can be reactive, you must be proactive.

Peace,love and saftey my friends.

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Good advice, I certainly hope it doesn't come to this but it's great to be prepared, even if it's just a storm or power outage.

Never go wrong with being prepared.

Having currency on hand is very important I feel. Unless you live in the country and can look after yourself on a farm.

I just don't really get the propergande. If I were North Korea I wouldn't want to fire a missile towards the USA because its just too far. Just use the short range artillery and bombard the South will be enough. Don't think the THAAD system can intercept all those artillery fires and Next they could use their cheap submarines and launch missiles on Japan and that will cause another a total chaos in Asia. But I don't think Kim there is that stupid either to launch the first strike.

I dont think they can fire a missle to the states, even tho they say they're capable? They have good hackers tho maybe they could mess with your networks and shit idk? I think if they could now they would tho..who knows? Guess like you're saying it's best to be prepared for anything. I'll shut up now haha

I hope this settles down. War only benefits the military industrial complex

its scary stuff i dont like to think about it, they should just lock trump and jung-un in a cage and let them fight it out themselves, otherwise its just innocent people that will die.

Unfortunately your right about many things, but the most important that people now a days are forgetting and not doing is becoming a community of folks ready to help each other.
You really want to survive, forget about saving your family by your self, but focus more on joining together as a group of families ready to help each other.

This post has received a 25.36 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @raybrockman.

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