Well, you would have figured that they would be tired of handing out the ass whoopings by now. It has been a long 2 weeks, both for precious metals and crypto's.


Gold and Silver continue to trend in the Red. Which is a complete shock to see gold below $1,300. An oz.


In the past 24 hours silver has seen a high of $16.45 and a low of $16.32. This time last week silver was over $17.00.


Gold is about the same, it has seen a high in the past 24 hours of $1,280 and. Low of $1,273.


Steem continues to decline now slipping below the $1.60 mark.


Sbd has just about made it back to the $1.00 mark. Now falling below $1.25.

So whats my take on all of this? Well its simple, buy! Buy all that you can and keep buying.

I don't stack to get rich! I stack to prevent becoming Poor!

It's Buy time Ladies and Gentlemen!

Follow me @raybrockman



Do you think I'm on the right path, when it comes to a reset of U.S. Coinage...??? Because my Theory would have a big effect on the Value of Gold, Silver and Crypto's... I really think I'm on to something when it comes to Pocket Change...

I agree with you so far as us coinage used to have something of intrinsic value. So old coins will retain value and even appreciate in the future. I'm not sure there is anything intrinsic to US coins themselves though. E.g. I think an oz of silver generic round and a oz of silver in peace dollars will be the same.

And I really love the coin man. Miss that guy.

I'm glad you brought that up... The One Ounce Silver Generic Round may be of a higher percentage of Silver, but it doesn't have that United States, One Dollar stamped on it from the U.S. Mint... As per my Theory, Common U.S. Coinage that says One Dollar will have the Purchasing Power of a Current One Hundred Dollar "Bill" on Loan to We the People, by the Federal Reserve Bank Owners...

So, you're right in thinking they will be about equal in Purchasing Power, since Silver should sell for about a One, U.S. Dollar Coin that will have the increased Buying Power mentioned... Yes, the Peace Dollar will have have it all... The Purchasing Power, the Silver Value and the Collector Value... The Silver Round should be close, but will always lag behind, the Peace Dollar... There may be exceptions, when you have some low mintage Rounds... One can never rule out that factor...

Coin Man, by @pocketechange A Penny may Cost a Dollar...

While some may question the authority of your Theory. I, for one, think your comments are some of the more interesting on this entire platform. Keep it up.

"A penny may cost a dollar" - @pocketchange.

If you happen to have a Pocket Version of the U.S. Constitution, check out Article 1, Section 8... It says in so many words, that Congress has the Power to Coin Money and "regulate" the Value thereof... That's the Authority... It's very Powerful... It also deals with Weights and Measures... Thanks for the Compliment...

I know the words well. Powerful indeed.

Constitutional and Junk Silver are really two sides of the same coin...

I bet it was the Central Bank Owners who started calling our 90% Silver Coinage, Junk Silver... Because if we call our Silver Coins Junk, what would we call our Common Coinage...??? I personally think they love playing Mind Games with us...

Never a Problem Ray just Buy what you like and like what you Buy at these levels. It will all be bargain prices one day in the rear view mirror.....................

Spoken like a true Stacker!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

I remember when it bounded back to $20 last year, I was worried I missed my opportunity. Now I just keep buying, the lower it goes the harder I stack, if it starts going up I slow down and build up some powder.

Time for a noon-time PM turnaround. USD flat and the stawk market looks unsettled........The day is young

It's a good day for me when I find that the prices of silver have dropped. That just means adding to the stack becomes more feasible.

So whats my take on all of this? Well its simple, buy! Buy all that you can and keep buying.


On the other hand, the crypto drops have gotten old. I'd like to see that market head up. I can only buy so much and have been focusing on silver right now. Would be nice to see crypto jump.

Spot prices only determine if I should be buying more than my regular budgeted amount for PM for the month, LOL! When spot dips, STACK HARD, but keep on stacking. There is always some degree of manipulation in the market. But unlike the other commodities, the intrinsic value of precious metals are undeniable... as it has always been for centuries.

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