Steemit Rant! SORRY if I offend you!

1st off, if you are here, Thank You. 2nd off, GET BACK TO WORK.


I mean what are you thinking? Do you really think that your lack of posting is helping? Why are you here? If its just for the money, then leave!.

So if your still reading this then maybe you have some answers for those questions or maybe you are not here for the money. Either way, there is a problem, we, I say WE are killing steemit. It never fails, once the price drops then people stop posting. Well here is a secret for you "no post equals no Steemit". You wanna know why steem is down more than the average right now, well hell thats pretty simple, posting is down probably by atleast 50 % if not more.


Now is the time to be posting everyday if not once then twice. Now is the time to be stacking up on steem. Who gives a shit if your post went from $50 to $10! ITS FREE MONEY!!! AND FREE STEEM!!!!.


SO WAKE UP! you are running out of time, you are killing this platform. You are causing steem to be undervalued. The ball is in your court, its your choice to win or lose.


At this point with steem so low, it may take everyone doing 2 a day to wake this place back up. In less than a 6 weeks we have lost over half of steem value, isnt it enough already for you?

Thanks for you time and for stopping by!



BOOOOM!!!!! YEAH!!!!
I post once per day and often twice a day too.
This contest and that contest, sports and movies and photography and cars and flowers and coins and bars and silver and gold. . . Whew...


Old school steemit right here☝️☝️

it’s not just steem, it’s crypto in general. I still like my shiny stack though :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Stack on

Crack that whip Hoss!!!

I need some new whips 😉

...sold all my good ones! 🤣🤣🤣

I post twice a day about my collections. One post in English and a different one in Portuguese. I am doing my part.

Great job rono

Awesome Ron, you also comment on ever post I read, which is awesome as well, thanks for all the support.

I like when someone comment on my posts, so I try to comment on all the posts I read. It is a kind way to say thank you...

Back to steem school. Yes the value is down, but the steem payout is the same. So a double in steem price to $1.34 , will be a double in total payout. Only thing I disagree with is the two-a-day should be quality posts...... Go get ya some. Thanks @raybrockman

Thanks rolling!

I know Im bad

But you are corndog!😎👍

I am hopeful that it will pick up, but I agree that we need to keep posting to keep this community alive during this slow time. Everybody here just has so much good information and it is hard to keep away! Haha!

Thanks for the support K-S!😎👍

I agree with you, but this crypto downturn happens to be coming as I transition across the country. With a family to think about first, I simply don't have much time for consistent posting. Heck, I don't even have my pc properly setup yet!

I'll be back soon though!

Cant wait! Thanks nofiat!

Totally agree, @raybrockman. When the price is down there isn't a lot of motivation to post, but not if you realize now is the time to pick up Steem when nobody's looking.

Pick it up, pick it up! Thanks Kp

You freaking Fkg* killed it right there.
The time is now. Are you going through Hell ? Yeah right keep moving else you'll get consumed if you dare to wait.
Posting it is. Jus keep doing it. Thanks for the justice done to this post.

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