
Thanks man. From time to time i see you writing group posts boosting the group up and inspiring others plus alot of people including myself look up to you as a group elder:)

If you were able to write a post roughly explaining contest's that are held within the group. I dont mean pick out contests, just like we do giveaways for silver, gold, sbd, steem ect. I can use that post for the next 6-7 months in this FAQ post we're planning.

Im hoping the end result will save us all some time, i think phil will benefit from them greatly in reguards to Stax. Im gonna get to work on the enrollment roadmap now. I'll post it later for feedback.

Thats 1 down, welsh should be cool and phel is busy most of the time, so it might take a little longer for him to get back to me. I'll PM you on discord if i can think of anything else.

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