in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Man was this the Mother of All Raffles. This response form the community was amazing. We ending up with 116 entries, which is AMAZING. Now this post is gonna be a little long so hang in there with me.

upvote this post 100%

Now I dont normally ask for upvotes but there was so many entries that I had to buy a slot for the drawing.


There you have it not only did it cost me the silver but hell I had to pay cause there where over 100 entries. You know what, as long as its for the SSG community then I will pay whatever.

So lets get down to the meat and potatoes of this post. Now there where 116 entries.

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All 116 have been entered.

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Thats page one. Now for page 2

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Page 1, 2 and now lets go to page 3

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Alright all 116 are present and accounted for.

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Wait a minute, did we have to many entries. We did, what a rip off, it took me 1.5 hours to enter all these names we arent backing down now. Lets just pay the $39.99 and move on, but random picker you could have told me before I entered them all.

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Thats why I need that 100% upvote. 😁

This is the time when you hear the drum roll..

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Are yall ready, hell yeah your ready, i am already a day late on this thing, so here it goes.

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Pamp bar goes to @moderndayhippie

4 oz silver 100 dollar bill goes to @thedamus

steem siver round goes to @jasonbu

RCM wolf coin goes to @jasonbu as well.

Congratulations to the 3 winner. But make no mistake about this, all 116 entries are winners cause where donating it all to @ssg-community.

Thanks to everyone who played and entered.

The 3 winners please reach out to me on discord.

Proud supporter of #steemsilvergold


Follow me @raybrockman


The link at the bottom is where this raffle was published, so feel free to check it out. Random picker has some awesome security features set up to where raffles and drawings can not be altered.


Fak!!!! 😂

Laugh. My. Fucking. Ass. Off!!!

You Rule Ray!!! Thaz all there is to it 😎👍 i can’t wait to see that Franklin!

👍 congrats man! You got a great one there!

Congrats to the winners! Thanks Ray!

Congrats @moderndayhippie, @thedamus, @jasonbu on the shiny and @raybrockman, again @thedamus and @ssg-community for this amazing contest. This group rocks!

Together we are legion!

Holly Shit!! I think that deserves a huge HELL YA! So f'n excited! I think I pulled my hamstring jumping out of my chair. Thanks for running the raffle Ray! And thedamus for throwing in the "Zombie Sheep Dog" ;-) - Wow!

Nice wins! Congrats

Congrats J

Thanks man! Seem to have had a horseshoe you-know-where.


Congrats everyone! Thanks @raybrockman for being so generous of your time and of course the silver!

Congrats to all winners, particularly to my friend @thedamus. You got it! Of course the congratulations go to @raybrockman also.

Thx Rono! 😎👍

Congrats to all the winners! These were some amazing prizes. Thank you Ray and @thedamus for sponsoring and running ssg's mother of all raffles!

Congratulations to all the winners, awesome raffle Ray!! Very cool of @thedamus to throw in something too!!👊👊👊

Awesome job once again @raybrockman

Your generosity is an inspiration to us all.

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