I live and I learn!!!

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

You know during life's journey, you are going to come in contact with situations that you just have take it and move one. As long as you learn from it than I guess maybe it was worth it.


Last night was one of those lessons of life for @raybrockman. I learned that you can not assume anything, you can not go off of the way you interpret the words as for your interpretation may not be the same as someone else.

I feel a separation coming, or maybe a divide is a better word. Which was not my intentions nor do I think they where anyone's else's intentions. This will be devastating to #steemsilvergold. I have always tried to be supportive and put the group before myself. But like I said at the start of this, you live and learn.


Now going forward I will not support staxx or anything that has to do with the staxx account. This was a hard decision to make but needed to be made, I feel that it no longer represents what I believe in. I am not looking for anyone to follow my lead, you are your own self and should make your own decisions. I will not use any type of banner that supports staxx or has her pictured in it.

You must remember that staxx is NOT #steemsilvergold and steemsilvergold is not staxx. The staxx account is not the leader of #steemsilvergold, YOU ARE!

I am sure for the members that could not attend last night's town hall meeting, that you may be wondering what is going on. @sevinwilson recorded the voice chat from last night and is planning on posting it. So anyone that missed out, you will be able to hear and know what is going on.

I ask that you continue to support #steemsilvergold. Our message need to be loud and clear that through thick and then we are still here. We need to keep talking up precious metals, we need to focus on what we believe in.


As a group we do not need to attack any other members. Just remember that your interpretation may not be the same as the stacker next to you.

I am and always will be a supporter of #steemsilvergold


Thanks for your time and continued support.




Well said sir.

I am so happy that we split the membership list from Stax are few months back are that would have been a big hurdle to jump. It might be time for a true community bot are too just move on from the idea for a while to get back to steemsilvergold core codes. I'll send you a PM on discord later this evening.
At least it out in the open now and like i said last night, if steem was $10 now, things might have not gone so smoothly.

Greta post buddy

Thanks SSUK, I am glad you separated it out. Maybe that was an early sign, who knows. Thanks for the support. And thanks for what you do for the group.

Ray, I don't really know you well like the others but I do feel just in the short time I've listened to you talk you have a huge loving heart and are extremely passionate about what you set your mind to. The silver and gold community is a special one because we each understand the importance of owning metal and how it has impacted history and will impact history moving forward. The amount of people that truly understand how important it really is to own and hold physical metals is very small and more than likely will get smaller with the generations to come. In times of division like these I think it's important that we try to build one another up in our community and keep spreading the message of the importance of holding physical metals. I believe you are a good man Ray, like it or not there's a lot of us behind you sir. ✌🏻

Thanks for kind words @theb3ar, your are right. We need to focus on spreading the word. Thanks for your support bud.

Ray, i know that i am fairly new to the community and my two cents doesn’t count for much yet in the #steemsilvegold community. It truly breaks my heart to see what just transpired last night. From my understanding of this whole thing several of you very generous members were the backbone of the bot and where the reason she exists. I totally support you and the entire communities decision. I have been a member of many forums on coins and silver in the past and have never seen the support as i have in the #steemsilvergold community. One of the things that does frustrate me a little is how little views and comments us newbies get on our posts. How are we ever going to be able to help support the group with our votes if they can’t get to a point where they mean something. I read and comment on 20-30 posts daily to support the content within the community. My upvote is worthless and i do understand that I’m new and have to cut my teeth in the community. I’m not asking for any handouts by any means. Hell if you don’t want to upvote my posts that’s each persons prerogative, but if i could atleast get comments that the community likes my content atleast it would be nice. I hope this doesn’t come across the wrong way, it’s not my intention. I get the same 7-8 people daily viewing my posts, and with a community of nearly 200 that’s a poor percentage in my opinion. I’m trying everything i can think of to from my content to raffles, anything to help get my steem power up so that i can help build this community up with my votes. How can we help support the community if no one looks at our posts. From what i have read and the interaction that i have had with you i can tell that you are a very generous and genuine person and that is a quality I myself live by. I could go on but I’m really having a tough time making sense of this. I want nothing more then to be a quality member of the #steemsilvergold community. Thank you for everything you have done for me personally and this great community. You are the pillar and it is no doubt appreciated.👍

@silverd510 thanks for yiur comment. I just added you to my steem voter. Your post will not get missed by @raybrockman any more. This is an awesome group to be a part of and you are right, the support is lacking and could greatly be improved. Keep up the hard work and great post.

That meeting last night was extremely disturbing to me and I don’t really even know a tenth of what you guys did to make Stax and support her. But hearing the let down of the veteran members and contributors like yourself really hurt me as well. You have vested a lot of time, dedication and money to help this community from what i have heard and read. That will never go unnoticed and will always be appreciated by me personally. I will do my best to continue with good content, comments and interaction with this great community and hopefully can someday make the impact that all of you original members do now. Once again i cannot thank you enough for all that you have done to help me and it will never be forgotten. Thank you Ray for who you are.👍

Just keep swimming 510! It really is frustrating at the start, and that persists longer than anyone enjoys. However, you will come out the other side.

Pro tip: buy some steem power. You will leapfrog over months or tedious penny collecting.

I have no problem grinding it out. I’m not asking for anything for free. I just find it a little strange that a group of nearly 200 and i only get a handful of views. And thank you for all your help and support, it is greatly appreciated. I don’t own any crypto other then the little bit i have here. I just applied at Bittrex since they opened back up for applications. That will be another thing this dinosaur will have to figure out...👍

Keep plugging along @silverd510. You are doing great posts and raffles already! That's awesome. I have to decide if I'm gonna remove my Stax delegation or not, if I do, my vote to you and others will be about 20x what it can be now with ally sp delegated away... As I sit down, my actual vote isn't worth more than a few cents.

Hopefully the bots, like buildawhale etc, get sorted out, because they really helped me grow, but as @thedamus said, if you can send some Bitcoin or Litecoin to buy steem, it really kickstarts your account!

If you can't, that's OK, not everyone can. I was fortunate, that when I started steem was about $0.60 and I had some BTC sitting around ony phone, so I bought on about 500 SP.

I surely will keep grinding away. I’ve never quit on anything. The only thing that kind of baffles me is that we are a group of nearly 200, and i barely get any views. I know that my vote isn’t worth a dam right now, but if we all supported each other better none of us would need Stax anyway. Just my opinion, this coummunity can be self sufficient without bots. Again i can’t thank you enough for the guidance, direction and support buddy👍

You are right, there isn't a need for a bot, if we all just support each other, especially as we all grow in SP. Cheers dude

No doubt. I know I’m a newbie and vote isn’t worth shit, but it will be and then I’ll be a major contributor. Hopefully someone within the core group thinks this way as well.👍

I'm really curious to find out what's going on as I haven't been on steemit much this week nor was I even aware of the "town hall" meeting. I'm gonna go check out @sevinwilson post (if it's up yet and if it's not I'll be eagerly awaiting it)...

I'm also gonna go check @phelimint and a couple of others and see what their blogs have to say going back the past few days. I'm not a huge contributor to #steemsilvergold but I do post in it a couple times a month, delegate to STAX, and I love PM's and the group that's grown so rapidly the past six months. I hate to hear that there is a division in the community which could have negative impacts on it, but I'm gonna need to get myself up to speed on what's happening.

GLad I stumbled across your post here this morning Ray, it's the first one I've read since I logged in. If you're not supporting STAX anymore, I'm sure you have your reasons. I know you're a man of your word and of integrity from the interactions we've had and the trade I made with you awhile back for some silver so I respect your decision and take you at your word. Now I need to go find out what caused things to come to this point and figure out what my thoughts are on what you've alluded to here.

Thanks for the kind words @cryptokeepr, I am sure you can find post explaining what is going on. I dont think sevin has posted it yet. And hey man, thanks for the support.

It's sad to see this happen. I know how much you love the #steemsilvergold community. We thank you for all that you do. It's not going unseen my friend.

Thanks Cajun. Keep stacking my friend.

Well said. No one single person is #SteemSilverGold! You are so right!

I got sidetracked watching the FSU vs Missouri game after watching the first 16 seed UMBC upset a 1 seed UVA. I’m working this morning on getting the audio ready!

Appreciate everything you do Sevin. By the way got some Guy Harvey rounds coming from Gainesville coin. Appreciate your support.

We all have to chip in what we can!

Guy Harvey is one of the great artist when it comes to wildlife! I’m sure these rounds are gonna be beautiful!

Thanks for everything you do for #SteemSilverGold

Great message. I have learned so much from #steemsilvergold community it was the first community that I came into contact with on steemit. You all have been so generous and kind. I hope we do not loose that in the future. This community has so much potential and has an amazing message that we need to get out to the masses that silver and gold are the only real money. Let’s not forget that and try harder than ever to get that message out.

We are SSG, out message is what is important. Thanks for your support.

😥 steemsilvergold is here to stay and so am I. Ill let the dust settle and then have a few things I'd like to get off my chest. But for now let's get together, keep stacking and keep the love going #ssg4life

Well said welsh, #ssg4life. Thanks for all your support and deidacation to the tag.

Thanks for keeping this about the community. Sorry things didn't turn out better, but we'll move on and be stronger than ever in any case. An occasional speedbump doesn't define a man's journey 👍🏼

Thanks SBS, sometimes you don't see the speed bump and you hit it going 45mph, then look back and say WTF was that, but you never stop.

With or without stax I stand with #ssg! It sucks that things are changing. But the tag will still have all the posts I want to read. Not to mention I have made many good friend thanks to our community. 😥 #ssg4life

Thanks @armshippie, friendship is valuable. #ssg4life

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