Wait to buy your PM's with U.S. Coinage...

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

I was recently asked...

"When will the Big Reset take place"...???

I only have one answer for that question...

The Big Reset will take place when you least expect it, by means of an Emergency Executive Order from our POTUS...

When the Reset happens, it will happen as fast as Flipping a Switch...

One moment you can walk into a Bank and buy 100 CENTS for a Paper Dollar, and the next moment, a single penny, may cost you a dollar...

As per my Pocket Change Theory, all Federal Reserved Notes will be Redeemed at a Rate of ONE CENT each...

But don't let that worry you, because that ONE CENT will now have the same Purchasing Power as the Paper Dollar you turned in, or spent...

The Paper Debt Notes will "not" lose any of their Current Value...

U.S. Coinage needs to increase in Value to regain what was already lost, by the Paper Debt Notes...

As I see it, the Paper Debt Notes have lost or are pretty close to losing 99% of their Purchasing Power...

That means, there's only about ONE CENT worth of Purchasing Power Remaining in the Paper Debt Notes...

This is why we need to Reset our U.S. Coinage...

All Federal Reserve Notes need to be Turned in and made Void of Legal Tender Status...

Each one turn in, will be stamped "VOID" and removed from Circulation...

We don't need them any longer...

Everyone will take their Paper Debt Notes to the Banks to be given ONE CENT for each Paper Debt Note Dollar turned in...

Or you'll be given One Dollar in U.S. Coinage for each Hundred Dollar Bill turned in...

To make a long story short, my P.C. Theory would consider it very Prudent for a Person to be holding onto 100 Dollars in Physical U.S. Coinage for every $10,000 in today's Purchasing Power, they want to take with them to the "Other Side" of the Reset...

By the way...

If you have physical U.S. Coinage, you won't believe the Future Price of Steem, Silver, Gold or a Simple Can of Beans, after the Reset...

Return the Purchasing Power to our U.S. Coinage...

Feel free to comment...



When we at #steemsilvergold least expect it or the general stawk markets of the world, currently near record highs, bond yields near record lows, debt at record highs and counting.......Who us, no way there can be a reset, It's different this time.

A reset of our U.S. Coinage is the only hope we have to bring Prosperity back... The Central Bank Owners have been Robbing us Blind (in my opinion)... I see no other Solution for a Smooth Transfer out of "their" debt based system...

Out with the old, in with the new.........Jail the banksters and 50% of the congressman.

I'm looking at the Higher Up's... The Central Bank "Owners"...
Andrew Jackson is one of my heroes... I think the Federal Reserve Bank is not honoring him, but actually mocking him by putting his picture on the US $20 bill... I’m sure he would have hated that...

POTUS stated in one of his campaign speeches that the debt red line is $24T (and we're at $21.2+ now per http://www.usdebtclock.org/ ) . . . we cannot service the interest at that point so whatever reset / nightmare we have coming is coming FAST -

I figure it would have to be as fast as Lightning... Everyone says something needs to be done, but so far, I seem to be the only one with a possible solution... I've always hated paying interest to the Banks... I'm hoping our POTUS doesn't wait until the last minuted to Flip the Switch... I suppose he's not quite ready to do that yet... I'd love to know what still needs to be done... I can picture the Treasury of the United States, stock piling as much U.S. Common Coinage as possible before the reset... Time will tell...

Hope you are correct good sir! More balls in tha air than jugg'lerz soon lol

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

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