in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Ok... Let's see if I'm getting this straight...

Everyone seems to be more interested in the Melt Value of the Tool we use to Measure the Melt Value of Gold and Silver...

Seems interesting to me, that People want the Tool that Measures Value to have an equal Melt Value with what's being Measured...

For years now, we've been Trading Paper for Gold and Silver...

In Reverse, we've been Trading Gold and Silver for Paper...

So, why is everyone now so interested in "Melt Value"...???

It's true, we once had Gold and Silver Coinage, because we were trying to Measure an Object of Value with another Object of Value...

Since both were Fluctuating in Value, there came a point when People started to see an opportunity to make Money off the Fluctuating prices...

Since a Twenty Dollar Bill was able to buy a Twenty Dollar Gold Coin, you saw what happen when the Value of the Gold rose above the Face Value of the Twenty Dollar Bill...

All these Twenty Dollar Bills started to Flood in to be replaced by our Gold Coins...

We were very foolish to use Gold and Silver to measure Value...

I really can't see us ever making that Mistake again...

So, when I hear people say they want our Money backed by Gold and Silver, I just have to laugh...


I get people laughing at me when I bring up my Pocket Change Theory...

So, I know how that feels...

The Point I want to make here is that you can Measure a Million Dollar Object with a One Dollar Ruler...

So, forget about the Melt Value of our U.S. Coinage, and see it for what it is...

Our Coinage belongs to We the People...

Unlike Federal Reserve Notes, we are the Rightful Owners of our U.S. Coinage..

Thanks for any and all comments...



It was very long... Yes, there was a need to safeguard our U.S. Coinage from Speculation, but that need won't be required once the Reset occurs... Any time the content of our Coinage becomes more valuable than it's Face Value, we have a problem... That's why I keep saying we need a Medium of Exchange with very little Value in itself, but still Worthy to act as our Official Tool to Measure Value...

Melt value is always measured against FIAT notes, based on faith. I like to view precious metals prices as a measure of Fiat notes depreciating against the base metal. US Coinage mostly ends up in jars and being taken out of circulation slowly forcing the USSA to create more......Time will tell.

So, what do you think of my Pocket Change Theory...??? Do you think it might work, or do you think it doesn't stand a chance in hell...???

I find the theory presented in one of the viable options. It is not one that is talked about, as the introduction of crypto can change the possibilities during the reset. Somehow I feel the banks will still have the advantage over the 99%. The only disagreement I can see is that US Coinage minted with clad, and other inexpensive alloys, what would be the incentive to derive value into this coinage. It goes back to my beliefs that real assets might end up being part of the solution to establish trust back into the system. Just like current Federal Notes, only faith that it will be worth some value in the future, support the fact that is is recognized as an medium of exchange for goods and services. The countries that are experiencing hyper-inflation now, it seems to go back to real assets and some element of BTC.

Banks won't be going anywhere... People in the U.S. are very Deep in Debt... As per my Theory, there will be a Reset, but no Value will be lost... Even the Value of the Debt will remain... My Theory only Releases us from the Clutches or the Central Bank Owners... In my opinion, they need to be given the Boot... As far as U.S. Crypto-Coinage is concerned, I think all other Crypto's will quickly lose Value, once U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents become a reality... We're sure to see U.S. Crypto become the Crypto Currency of Choice... It's obvious to me that we need Clad Coinage, because of its low Melt Value... I could be wrong, but I feel the Reset of our U.S. Coinage is part of the Plan... Trust the Plan... Trust our POTUS... Have Trust in our Future...

This is so fascinating!! Money has changed so much!!

Money is a Tool, used to Measure the Value of any and all Objects, including Gold and Silver...

I latched on to 'Silver Will Skyrocket!' podcasts way back in Feb. 2014 - they have not changed, only expanded. So, as a single guy living paycheck to paycheck, I began throwing $100's in here and $100's in there toward "precious" metals @ $20-$25/oz on silver alone.

Whelp. I can tell you now that you can go nowhere and get more than $16 for a proof silver Eagle (you are likely to get $12 - and they are 'doing you a favor'). I was just in a pinch and lost $650+ on a needed sale of 114 ounces of silver back to APMEX - the same company I had purchased from. I expect to sell back my gold holdings soon as well to cover rent and will lose even more in that transaction.

Get used to living in a world of negative returns my friend . . . we are all mis-led lambs to the slaughter -

  • dare I say, 'sheep' . . . .

Have you noticed that I'm the only one talking about U.S. Coinage, U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents and New U.S. Trade Dollars...???

Note... U.S. Trade Dollars are now, U.S. Paper Trade Cents... One Hundred U.S. Paper Trade Cents equals One U.S. U.S. Trade Dollar... That's as high at they go...
March 21, 2019... #ssg-membership

The Hundred Dollar “BILL” will be Removed and Replaced by One Hundred U.S. Trade CENTS...

Like the U.S. Clad Coinage and Crypto-Dollars and Decimal Cents... ...U.S. Trade Cents will be BACKED by U.S. Bullion Coinage...

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

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