in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

The New Trade Dollars shall remain Stable...

It will be the Silver, Gold or anything else for sale, that will be constantly changing in Value...

Whatever the Silver or Gold price is at the time, the New Trade Dollar will back the Transaction...

If someone wants to Trade you 10 Ounces of Gold for One Trade Dollar, that will be fine with me...

If the Trade is 1/10th ounce of Gold for a Trade Dollar, that will also be fine by me...

Fair Market Value will always set the Value of the Trade...

No, we're not going to figure how much Silver or Gold one gets in the Trade, it will be how many Trade Dollars you'll be using to measure the Trade...

If my P.C. Theory and New Trade Dollar Theory are correct, the United States will be Redeeming all Federal Reserve Notes from around the World, by means of the New, U.S. Trade Dollars...

Since the Federal Reserve Notes have already lost (in my opinion) 99% of their Purchasing Power, it will only take One U.S. Trade Dollar to Redeem 100 Federal Reserve Note Dollars...

Once redeemed, the Federal Reserve Notes shall be returned to their rightful owners as payment of debt, and destroyed...

Because of the Reset of our U.S. Coinage, any combination of 100 Physical Cents in Coinage will get you, One U.S. Trade Dollar...

I personally want to be holding 100 Dollars in Physical U.S. Coinage for every 10,000 old dollars worth of Purchasing Power I want to bring with me to the other side of our U.S. Coinage Reset...

COIN MAN by @pocketechange ...A penny may cost you a dollar bill...

Note: The Old Trade Dollars were 90% Silver and 10% Copper, dated between 1873 and 1885... The Law Authorizing the Trade Dollar was repealed in February of 1887... The Treasury was authorized to redeem all Trade Dollars, so long as they were not mutilated... The New U.S. Trade Dollars will be a Paper Currency, backed by U.S. Coinage...


Seems like some other countries are starting to get smart and trade in other currencies, than the Fed Reserve Note. And they are repatriating their gold from know cheaters, such as the UK and USSA.

I know I thought it would happen sooner or later... Now, it appears we're getting very close to ending the Power and Control, the Central Banks have over so many Countries around the World...

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