There are reasons for some Red Tape, but when we get to a point where you need a Permit for every little thing, I think we've gone too far...
Not in my exact words, but I think that's what our POTUS has addressed in the Past...
Let's start removing some of the many unnecessary Barriers placed in our Paths...
I suppose our Towns, Cities and Counties are always looking for new ways to bring in Money...
Once created, they tend to forget who brought them to life...
They begin to feel very Powerful and forget who they're Working for...
I suppose it's Human Nature to seek Power over others...
Let's start thinking about removing Barriers and Red Tape...
We can discuss this topic in the Comment Section below...
Feel free to tell me your views...
Another good observation, every government body is buried in debt and looking for income streams. Fees, police issuing tickets for revenue generation, property tax, where you never really own your own home. Try not paying your property tax and the local government takes possession of your home and boots you out of it...........We need to take back control, reset this thing.
Good points
Most of my property taxes end up going to the School so they can Brainwash our Posterity...
Yes, another way to squeeze the middle class, I have no children in the system, but the property tax goes to school liberal mantra on our children, without any real education on real money and economics.
I was terrible in School... I ended up having to teach myself...
governments tend to forget that they are there to serve and not to be served.
Governments do serve the people, but the sad part is that our Government is run by Government Employees who like to Lord it over Us...