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RE: Coin Shop Currency - SILVER CERTIFICATE - FIVE DOLLARS - 20180610

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Silver and Gold Certificates mean "we'd" have to have a Very Large Stockpile of Gold and Silver... We can't use Gold and Silver as a Tool to Measure Value... Their Value needs to be Measured by a Tool with little Value... Money serves as a Tool to Measure Value... A Currency doesn't have to be Backed by Gold or Silver to be able to Buy Gold and Silver... Money "acts" as a Medium of Exchange... It needs no Value to do that... In other words... A one Dollar Ruler can be used to Measure a Multi-Million Dollar Object...


When Money is used 'only' as a Medium of Exchange, then your points are valid. Further, in this view, Money as a Medium of Exchange can be 'anything'. In prison, cigarettes are used as currency. In developing countries, beans or sticks or stones may be used as currency. It is true that anything can be used as long as the community accepts the currency and it has a standard weight or measure.

When the currency is no longer accepted by the community, then the value drops to nothing, zero, like Germany following WWII. However, cigarettes and beans have some intrinsic value where the cigarette can be smoked and the beans can be eaten. In Germany after WWII, the paper money was burned for warmth because it had no other value because it was no longer accepted by any community.

For various reasons, gold and silver have always possessed intrinsic value, which will always maintain value more than paper.

I agree that Gold, Food and Cigarettes will always have Value and can be used when all else fails... My point is that our U.S. Coinage is already an accepted means to measure value... I realize the Silver and Gold will never return to our "Common Coinage"... I do like the fact that Common U.S. Coinage belongs to We the People, and not the Central Bank Owners...

I certainly VALUE your replies. It took me two days to reply to you because I had to ponder my response.
Your comment: " Their Value needs to be Measured by a Tool with little Value" really struck me. I had to ask myself: Does it need to have little value or a lot of value? I'm still pondering that. I guess I expect it has to have 'some value', meaning that it can not have 'no value'.
Interesting thoughts.

I have to "suspect" that the Central Bank Owners have been Drumming it into our heads for a very long time, that our only option to break free from their Debt Notes is with Gold and Silver Backing... We have been lead to believe in their lies... We're all breaking free now, and it's killing them... We've been using "their" debt notes for years, and paying interest for its use, without question... People insist on telling me that our Coinage no longer has Gold, Silver and lately, very little Copper... My reply to them is that Federal Reserve Notes have no Gold or Silver threads, woven into them, and yet I hear nothing about what little Value they have... Paper isn't a bad idea, as long as the Paper belongs to We the People, and not the Central Bank Owners... Anyway, I just hope I make a difference... Let people see things the way I've been seeing things... I'm tried of the Central Bank Owners, ripping us off...

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