in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Bee in Flight....JPG

What a Honey of a Deal that would Bee, right...???

I'm a Member of the #steemsilvergold Community...

You're all pretty much into some Gold, but mostly Silver...

We all know that they are Manipulated...

So, If or when my Pocket Change Theory is Activated, the Price of Gold and Silver will also Reset...

You won't see the same change in Prices if you're holding Federal Reserve Notes...

Only in Terms of Physical U.S. Coinage and the possible activation of U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents...

When the Switch is Flipped by Executive Order, we'll probably see the Prices of Gold and Silver quickly reach Fair Market Value...

So, 15 Dollar Gold and 15 Cent Silver won't last very long...

They'll probably end up Costing 50 Dollars for Gold and 1 Dollar for Silver...

That Translates to 5,000 Federal Reserve Note Dollars for Gold and 100 Federal Reserve Note Dollars for Silver

But try to Stop thinking in Terms of Federal Reserve (Debt) Notes, and start thinking in Terms of a Reset U.S. Monetary System...

That's why few People pay attention to my posts...

We've come to believe that Central Bank Owners Paper, is more Valuable than our own Clad U.S. Coinage...

If we can only get Past the Mental Road Block they Drummed into our Heads from an Early Age...

We've been buying and selling, using Debt Notes and Digital Blips, backed by Debt Notes...

Anyway, I have a Theory about a Reset in the "Spending Power" of all U.S. Coinage...

In my Opinion, Federal Reserve Notes have lost all but one Percent of their "Spending Power"...

I figure that gives us Just Cause to Reset our U.S. Coinage with a 100 Fold Increase in "Spending Power"...

When this happens, expect to see all Federal Reserve Notes, "removed and replaced" all over the World...

There will be a Redemption Period which will prevent any Debt Note from losing "Spending Power"...

Federal Reserve Notes will be Safe to Hold during the Monetary Transition and Redemption Period...

Your Credit and Debit Cards will be Reset, but will continue to be used as Monetary Tools...

If you're earning $100,000 per Year before the Reset, expect to earn $1,000 per Year after the Reset...

No, you will not lose any "Spending Power" because of the Reset...

Your Physical Federal Reserve Notes will still be good until the End of the Redemption Period...

Naturally, your Physical U.S. Coinage will be 100 Times Better...

I picture a very Smooth Transition, due to the Redemption Period...

I expect to Witness the Biggest Transfer of Wealth, the World has ever seen...

And I'm expecting it to happen very quickly...

Hello Greg Hunter and the X22 Report... I can tell you read my Posts...

Feel free to Comment or Question


Transfer of wealth, to the few I believe. Nothing is very clear at the moment except manipulation, just look at the stawk market, the DOW +500 points. An f***ing joke. When will the power return to the people.???

I expect to see the Transition into the New U.S. Monetary System to begin very soon...

Been waiting 10 years, they have managed to keep up the illusion this long, I guess I can wait another "very soon".

We didn't have President Trump working for us 10 years ago...
When the Timing is Right, you'll know why I've been so excited...

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

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