in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Naturally, Gold and Silver "have" Value and "stores" Value, but if you're looking to get in on the Ground Floor of what my P.C. Theory says is heading our way, I think you better take another look at Physical, U.S. Coinage..

My Theory is "not" about the "melt value" of our U.S. Coinage, it's more about what we use to Measure the "melt value" of Precious Metals as well as Measuring the Value of all other items of interest...

Common U.S. Quarter Dollars and One U.S. $1 Coin...

Common U.S. Dimes...

Common U.S. Nickels and One Quarter Dollar Coin...

Common U.S. Pennies and One Dime...

The final count on all the above U.S. Coinage, was $416.20...

As per my Pocket Change Theory, all U.S. Coinage will be Reset and increase 100 Fold in Purchasing Power...

When you take into account a possible 100 Fold reset of our U.S. Coinage, the above coins will co-exist with, and have the same Purchasing Power as $41,620 in Federal Reserve Notes before the End of the Redemption Period...

In other words, $41,620 in Federal Reserve Notes will have the same Purchasing Power as $416.20 in Physical U.S. Coinage...

The Price of all things (including Gold and Silver) will Reset to adjust to the increase in Purchasing Power of our Physical U.S. Coinage...

My P.C. Theory includes the Creation of a New Paper, U.S. Trade Dollar and a U.S. Crypto, "same as" Physical U.S. Coinage, along with a New Smart Phone App...

All of the above will be Legal Tender and will Co-Exist along with Federal Reserve Notes until the End of the Redemption Period...

At the End of the Redemption Period, all Federal Reserve Notes shall become Void of any and all Legal Tender Status...

For more information, feel free to Visit my many posts...

I try to look at my P.C. Theory from Multiple Angles to help people understand...

Comments and/or questions are always welcomed...



Just watched a video that was saying now Trump is in office the globalist Cabal is not going to cause a financial collapse until he has finished his two terms. The video also stated that this is the time to invest and the DOW may reach 40,000 under Trumps leadership.


….upvoted and resteemed

If my Theory is correct, the DOW will not lose Value, but will be Measured differently... We won't be using inflated Federal Reserve Notes much longer... We may see the DOW reset to $250, measured in Physical and Crypto U.S. Dollars and Cents...

A very interesting concept and theory. I think you are right! It does make sense why common coins will have 100 X value and the federal notes won't in a reset. I think I am going back to all your articles and explore this theory!

Interesting theory. Hopefully the money we have in the banks would also translate to the new system. I'd hate to see that (little bit) of money get washed away. :)

For each so called Dollar you have in the Bank, expect to get One Cent in return... Don't let that worry you, because the One Cent will have the same Purchasing Power as the Dollar Bill... Each of those half dollars you turned back in, if my Theory is correct will have the Purchasing Power of 50 Federal Reserve Note Dollars, after the Reset of our U.S. Coinage... Physical U.S. Coinage will be the place to be...

So you're saying that physical pennies will be worth $1, but dollars in the bank will be worth $0.01? Why will the coins be worth so much more if they don't have intrinsic value?

I'm getting caught up, so sorry if you've already covered this before.

I actually do tend to give my P.C. Theory a lot of Coverage... I'm asking for a Reset of our U.S. Coinage, due to the fact that we have been taken advantage of by the Central Bank Owners and their Federal Reserve Notes that have been decreasing in Purchasing Power to a point where there's only about 1% Purchasing Power remaining... One Percent of a Dollar is One Cent... Let's call it what it is... To be honest, I really want to End The Fed and Return all Federal Reserve (Debt) Notes to their Central Bank Owners... Thanks for asking... You should take a peek at my last several posts...

Sir pockets - will your P.C. Theory allow for me to stamp my own 'Lincoln' cents in my likeness / pass them off as 'valued' currency? Just posing this as a thought. Thanks for your thoughtful discourse as always!!

That would be similar to turning Lead into Gold... It's not going to happen...

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

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