in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Imagine the Pirates Treasure Chest filled with Old U.S. Coinage...

Wow... My Cell-Phone sure takes good pictures...

So what becomes of the Vending Machines after the Reset of all U.S. Coinage...???

My new car was filthy from all the rain and dust, so I was heading down to get a Quickie (do it myself) Car Wash...

I never carry Pocket Change when I leave my house, which got me to thinking...

Once the Reset of all U.S. Coinage happens, something will have to be done to replace all those Quarter Dollars I usually use at the Quickie Car Wash...

I went over to the Bill to Change Machine to get me some Quarter Dollars, but instead I was given a Token...

I liked them so much I got two more and only used One to Rinse off my Car...

The photo above are the other two I wanted to hold onto...

Well... Now I know that they are already being Converted from Quarter Dollars to Tokens...

I suppose the same thing will happen at the Do it Yourself Landry-Marts...

No one would be willing to stick in Quarter Dollars to do their Clothes after the Reset...

I'm thinking One U.S. CENT will be used, instead of a One Dollar Federal Reserve Note...

Talk about a Major Transfer of Wealth...

Don't worry, because during the Redemption Period, the Cent and the Paper Dollar FRN's will be Equal in Purchasing Power...

The Key to my P.C. Theory is to have your Physical U.S. Coinage "before" the Reset...

All Vending Machines will have ample time to Convert during the Redemption Period...

I'm sure most of the Newer Vending Machines already takes Debit Cards...

If you're not sure what I mean about the Redemption Period, it will be a Period of Time that all Federal Reserve Notes will be Removed and Replaced, World Wide...

That's a whole other story, but if you're interested, I have plenty of older posts you can view...




Great idea to collect US Coinage, in exchange for a small copper token. Then on top of that, it is stamped as "No Cash Value". Businesses are getting smart, as you will not necessarily use all four tokens, so they end up getting lost or never redeemed. I want that business, LOL.

Think of all the Lost Paper Dollars, the United States of a Sovereign People are still paying "interest" on...

That's the Major reason we need to set a Redemption Period...

We need to Void Out all those lost Debt Notes, along with any others not turned in...

Remove any and all Legal Tender Status at the End of the Redemption Period...

The largest transfer of wealth in history: the common person has a chance at true wealth. 100 times worth.

I tend to think it's the Chance of a Life-Time...

Even the Poorest of the Poor has a little Pocket Change...

It would be what is sometimes called a "Shot in the Arm"...

Naturally, it will be much harder for the Homeless to ask for Spare Change...

I suppose they'll still ask, but a Nickel will have a whole new meaning...

I expect a lot of Pocket Change in Circulation to start, but I figure most of it will be turned in for U.S. Crypto-Coinage...

Many people will still be using Credit and Debit Cards...

Many things can be done with the Smart Phones...

One thing is for sure...

We won't be paying "interest" to the Central Bank Owners...

There's so much we could do with that extra income...

Reset Wages will put people in a lower Income Tax Bracket, giving them extra Spendable Income...

We may even eliminate 50% of the Income Tax...

So I get that $1 = 1 cent. The people own the coins & the Fed owns the paper debt notes. But what will happen if you want to buy something for 50cents after the "reset"? Will there need to be a new set if coins introduced to cover items valued below 1cent($1),like fractional cents?


It's not only the Coins, but we'll still have our Credit and Debit Cards, the Physical U.S. Coinage, the new Physical Paper U.S. Trade Dollars and a the yet to be Activated U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Decimal Cents...

Whatever we did using Federal Reserve Notes, (after the Reset) we'll be able to do using our "We the People" U.S. Monetary System...

We really don't need to be Controlled by the Central Bank Owners, their Puppets or the interest they charge us for the "use" of their so called "Money"...

No, we won't need Physical Half Cents, because we have more options now...

Physical U.S. Coinage will get you an equal amount of U.S. Crypto-Coinage...

Federal Reserve Notes will only get you One Crypto-Cent per Dollar "Bill"...

Let's just say, we want to "remove and replace" the Central Bank Owners Monetary System with our own...

Anyway, people are starting to use less and less Cash, so I would expect people to use less and less physical coinage...

But at least, they'll still have the option of using it or storing it outside the Banking System...

We will still have a Banking System...

Nice angle Brother Pockets as I have not heard you make mention of this before! I spent half my day yesterday on tha eBay listing "penny auctions" inc. silver - PF70 - everything starts at a penny and ships durt cheeeep! Times are very hard and I hate to give these up but my check engine light just came on (again). Anyway, this stuff is right Up yur alley-way so if you get a momento check out my eBay seller page under: grunpiegranpascoincloset

Enjoy / R.O.C.K. On!

I used to buy on E-Bay like Crazy...

It's been so long now, that I'd really have to give my Pass Word some thought...


I suppose e-Bay is probably your best option, but I think you can at least set a "minimum" bid amount...

You seem to be facing the reason a lot of people face in hard times...

Selling off your assets...

We all know it's a terrible time to be selling, but who knows...

You've been selling yours before the prices hit new lows after new lows...

Perhaps it was a good time when you started selling...

We shall see - hey, no password needed to peek at these! Here's a graded 100+ yr old Morgan Silver Dollar 90% silver beauty of mine going for only a penny at present - WoW!!

You really do need to set a minimum bid...

No one ever saw me coming...

I would never place a Bid until the last 10 seconds...

I play it tha same Amen

I love pirate stories

Posted using Partiko iOS


How is it, living off Grid...???

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Does Bill Holter have a clue about the Reset and Transfer of Wealth...???

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