in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Could this be the KEY to what our POTUS has been saying since before he was Elected...???

Is it possible to break free from our Chains that have been slowly growing in size and strength...???

Did the Central Banks plot to take away our Freedoms...???

What happens to "us" if "we" allow "them" to enslave us...???

I think we have a "Behind the Scenes Battle" going on as I type these words...

I'm sure you know which side I'm on...

I actually came up with a PLAN to break free from the Clutches of the Central Banks...

It's all contained in my Pocket Change and Trade Dollar Theories...

As per my Theory, the Plan would go into effect as fast as Flipping a Switch...

It will be due to an Emergency Action, taken by our POTUS...

Let's call it an Emergency Executive Order to Restore our Monetary System...

We've all heard the Federal Reserve Note Dollars are about to Crash and Burn...

That would surely make the People of the World lose Faith in our Dollar...

For this reason, I'm sure there is a PLAN in place, just waiting for the Right moment to be implemented...

We are paying "interest" on each and every Federal Reserve Note being Circulated, around the World...

My Theory "starts" with the revaluation of our U.S. Coinage, by increasing its Purchasing Power, 100 Fold...

This is necessary, because of the loss in Purchasing Power the Federal Reserve Notes have taken over the years...

In my opinion, I think Federal Reserve Notes have lost 99% of their Buying Power, leaving only One Cent in Purchasing Power remaining; giving us "just cause" for a 100 Fold Reset of our U.S. Coinage...

Along with this increase in Purchasing Power, we'll be able to create a new Trade Dollar to be used to Round up all the Federal Reserve Notes from around the World...

Being that the Trade Dollars will be Backed by U.S. Coinage, they will have the same increase in Buying Power as a Dollar in U.S. Coinage...

So, in rounding up all the Federal Reserve Notes around the World, it will take 100 Federal Reserve Note Dollars, to obtain 1 new Trade Dollar...

The One Trade Dollar will hold as much Value as the 100 Federal Reserve Note Dollars they replace, so that no one will suffer a loss in Purchasing Power...

As per my Theory, I see a "Redemption Period" to "Turn in or Exchange" the "old" Currency for the "new" U.S. Trade Dollar, backed by U.S. Coinage...

The Federal Reserve Notes turn in, shall be 'returned" to their Legal Owners, to help Pay off the National Debt...

Those "not" turned in before the end of the Redemption Period shall become void of any Legal Tender Status and shall go towards the payment of the National Debt as well...

I'm sure there have been a lot of so called USD's that have been destroyed in one manner or another, but until they become Void of Legal Tender Status, we will "continue" paying "interest" on them...

So, I'm saying...

Out with the Old and in with the New...

The Trade Dollars will replace all Federal Reserve Notes and will become one of many (Debt Free) Currencies around the World...

They can and will be "Exchanged" for other Currencies around the World, for whatever the Rate of Exchange might be at any point in time...

Being that we didn't default on any of our Debts, the Trade Dollar will have renewed Trust and will be Used and Respected around the World, by "Choice"...

So, my question to you is this...

After reading about my Theory above, what will you consider doing to Prepare...???


Don't forget to Pocket your Change...


When you ask questions about the banks enslaving us, and you use the words we and us and the people, I am reminded of a message from an acquaintance many years ago. He suggested looking up the REAL MEANING behind the CAPITAL LETTERS of our names on our birth certificates and other legal documents. It is an EYE OPENING perspective. Check it out.

Yes... I'm aware of how our names can be used to enslave us... Everything tends to revolve around people seeking Power over others... It's human nature... People are constantly seeking loop-holds... Not all of our Rights are written but still, can be "retained" by the People... Just because they aren't spelled out in the Amendments to the Constitution, doesn't mean they don't exist... As far as the Banks enslaving us... That's accomplished by using Debt,Interest and the use of a bought and paid for News Media and Politicians under threat of being exposed for one reason or another...

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

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