in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

If I'm Correct, this is the first time you've seen these words, written in this order...

So, what does it take to come up with an original set of words...???

Words written in an Order that you've never seen before, will stay in your memory, depending on how much thought you put into them...

Just minutes before I sat down to write this new post, I didn't know what the Title would be or what I'd write about...

This is all new to me too...

I read it as I write it...

I usually blame what I write on my Wild Imagination...

We've seen all the words written in my Post Title, but never in that Order...

So, what's all this talk about Trusting the Plan...???

Who is the Person known only as "Q"...???

Does our POTUS have others on his TEAM like "Q"...???

I'm guessing President Trump is "surrounded" by the "best minds" he has ever "found"...

No, I'm not one of them...

At least, not to my knowledge...

If any of his Team have ever seen or read what I write, I'd be very surprised...

I suppose I'd be considered one of the "Patriots"...

I've been seeing that word used quite a lot, lately...

So, "The Plan" is to make America Great Again... Right...???

If you were part of President Trumps Team, what would you suggest doing, to make "The Plan" become a Reality...???

What we have learned, from watching and listening to our POTUS when he speaks, is that he doesn't reveal anything in advance...

That makes perfect sense to me...

What are your thoughts about "The Plans" next Step...???

What would your next step be if you were our POTUS...???



The next step is that we wake up to new prices at Wal-Mart.

It may take a few days to Reset all the They could
actually stay the same until the end of the Redemption Period...
Those with U.S. Coinage will find out quick about their Value...

During the Redemption Period, there needs to be a distinction between 'old prices' versus 'new prices' . There needs a distinction between 'old money' versus 'new money'. It will be even more confusing if the 'new money' (coinage) is the same as the 'old money' (coinage).
What is the indicator between new versus old?

The "Old Money" will be the Federal Reserve Notes... During the Redemption Period, the Old money will co-exist, along with our existing U.S. Coinage, U.S. Trade Dollars and U.S. Crypto-Currency... The Price of items will have plenty of time to adjust to the new Prices... If a Can of Beans in the Store cost a Dollar the day before the Reset, a person can either pay with Federal Reserve Notes or a One Cent Coin after the Reset... As time progresses, people will also obtain the option of paying with U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Decimal Cents... Credit and Debit Cards will automatically be adjusted to the New Monetary System, similar to U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Decimal Cents... Old U.S. Coinage will co-exist with new coinage, just as it does now... Older U.S. Coinage will remain, with its newly adjusted Purchasing Power... I figure, I'll be sitting pretty, by having Physical U.S. Coinage before the Reset... That's where I think the Transfer of Wealth will take place... U.S. Coinage will absorb whatever Value remains in Federal Reserve Notes... That's why I kept saying a Penny may cost you a Dollar "Bill"...

To make the plan become reality:

  • Force an event over the next month to initiate a currency crisis in the US, and control the public narrative (X22 Report), and place the blame on the central bankers.

  • Apprise friendly, conspiring world leaders of the timed events.

  • Just when the public is at the point of despair/panic- POTUS is the hero with answers and plan to save the country.

  • Have enough minted coins/crypto's hidden for implementation to prevent a liquidity crisis.

  • Implement the pocket change theory by executive order.

  • Be ready to broadcast live to the public and world the reason for this change.

Wow... I love the way you think... They say "We have the Power"...

thank you

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