in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Many of you will miss this Post, because once it makes it past a few hours, it Vanishes from Sight and Mind, never to be seen again, up until now...

Sorry... I felt like I was being attacked by the very people I've been trying to help...

I always tell people to Comment or Question anything I write...

If you're not clear on certain aspects of my Theory, tell me, and I'll try to clear it up...

I am NOT a TROLL...


Many of you don't like the thought of Pocket Change, so Guess What...???

I decided to add Paper Cents to my Pocket Change Theory...

That's right...

Paper U.S. Trade CENTS will compliment the Paper U.S. Trade DOLLARS...

So, instead of pulling out a Five Dollar "Bill" from your Wallet, you can pull out a Five Cent U.S. Paper Trade Unit...

The Paper U.S. Trade Dollar will be the Highest they get...

One U.S. Paper Trade (ONE) Dollar will take the place of the Old, One Hundred Dollar "Bills"...

Anyway, this will make it easy to pull up to an ATM Machine and get Ready Cash in the form of Paper Cents...

We will have the One Cent, the Five Cents, Ten Cents, Twenty-Five Cents, Fifty-Cents and the One Dollar, which will be known as the Paper Trade Dollars and Cents...



I can't wait to turn in some Physical U.S. Coinage for Physical U.S. Paper Cents...

I would like to see President Kennedy on one of those paper cent bills; per your pocketchange theory.

I’m thinking the only change will be from Dollars to Cents except the Twenty Dollar “Bill” will either be a Twenty Cent or a Twenty Five Cent Paper Trade Unit... More than likely, it will be a Twenty Cent U.S. Paper Trade Unit... They should all have the same People on the New Cents that will replace the Old Dollars... The One U.S. Trade Dollar will replace the One Hundred Dollar "Bill"... Debit Cards will be Required to make Decimal Change, otherwise, the Price may have to be Rounded Off to the nearest Cent...

I can see where the U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents will be the Monetary Tool of Choice, with many People... Still, I like knowing we have Physical Coinage and Paper Trade Units...

I'm sure you have had an interesting time when the community the last two weeks. Some are being too strict to the interpretation of a post or reply to a post. Keep presenting an alternate viewpoint, IMHO.

As you may have noticed, I haven't been Commenting anyone's Post lately... I've started to Comment only on the Replies of others to my Posts, and I'll be going down the list for a while...

I'll probably "Edit" some Typo's too... If I can make a Sentence more Clear, I'll be doing that also... Feel Free to go to my Main Page, and click of my Comment Section to see what I'm currently up to...

iN GOD "WE" TRUST THE PLAN... February 2, 2019...

Thanks... It all started with my Lucky Neighbor Award, which I Cancled... Perhaps they took that as a Threat, because my Awards were free... My Awards only went to two people, whenever I made a new Post... Not so lucky for me, was that the Damus turned out to be a Lucky Neighbor to one of my Posts... My Award was considered SPAM...

Sir pockets @pocketechange how goez it on tha DL?! Man, it took me just oh'ver a year and my rep just now this week finally moved from (52) to (53). Additionally, my 'STEEM POWER' jumped to an ALL-time high of 270+ per my continued daily efforts to 'Power Up' remain consistent. Ironically, (perhaps not at this point?) - my Steemit account "value" just reached an ALL-time low of $82.98.....continuing its march to ZERO $ consistently per my theory realization. I had to turn in my 10 'IKE' dollars at the bank, I was that durt~broke....but have a solid roll of "junk" silver Jeffersonian Nickels you can bet will remain safely tuck'd away . . . . . just sending you anotha useful Update . . . . hope all is well - Rock On . . . .

Just like you, I keep adding to my account, and my Value keeps subtracting... I’m sorry to read that you needed to cash in your Ike Dollars... You do what you have to do... Bills are never ending...

I'm glad to hear, our POTUS is looking for Solutions...

IN GOD "WE" TRUST THE PLAN... January 20, 2019...

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