in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Big Hand...4.JPG

There seems to be a lot of People preparing for a Collapse...

Is anyone preparing for when the Banks shut their Doors...???

Are Precious Metal Stacker's, expecting Gold and Silver to do a Moon Shot in Federal Reserve Notes...???

What will those Federal Reserve Notes be worth when your Precious Metals do a Moon Shot...???

What becomes of Gold and Silver, when we Run out of Cash...???

What will we do if there's a Currency Collapse...???

Will your Precious Metals be "accepted" at your Local Grocery Store...???

I see a lot of People, using their Bank Debit Cards lately...

If Banks Run out of Cash, will they Turn off your Bank Cards...???

What happens when the ATM Machines Shut Down...???

Where do you go when you want to get your hands on some Physical Cash...???

What do People do, when they have no Physical Cash...???

Most of you will think we are DOOMED...

Then, without notice, we get an Emergency Text Message from our POTUS...

He's telling us that he just Signed an Executive Order that Resets the "Spending Power" of our Physical U.S. Coinage...


The Text Message from the President says the "Spending Power" of our U.S. Coinage just increased 100 Fold...

Can you Picture everyone Scrambling to Find the Pocket Change they remember tossing in that Big Jar...???

U.S. Coinage was our Cheapest Asset, and now we're being told that its "Spending Power" has just done a Moon Shot...???

Then we find out that our Bank Accounts have been Reset as well...

You Learn that every Thousand Dollars you "had" in the Bank will become Ten U.S. Crypto-Dollars...

The Text Message mentions the "Activation" of the New, U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents...

We Learn that all Federal Reserve Notes are to be "Removed" and "Replaced"...

If you happen to have a Thousand Dollars in your Wallet, you can take that to the Bank and they will give you a Ten Dollar Roll of Quarter Dollars, or Credit your Bank Account with Ten Crypto-Dollars if you decide to Deposit your Thousand Dollars in Debt Notes...

Each Quarter Dollar will have the "Spending Power" that 25 Dollars in Cash once had before the Reset...

Are any Light Bulbs starting to go off in your head...???

Will you be Kicking yourselves for not holding onto a little more Physical U.S. Coinage before he Reset...???

I believe there is a Plan to Remove and Replace all Federal Reserve Notes, around the World...

Where we Remove One, we Remove all...


It's all part of my Pocket Change Theory...

Tell me why you think my P.C. Theory "will" or "will not" work...???



People have forgot what real coinage, in gold and silver, rather take a chocolate bar instead of a silver bar. Silver and gold will always be used as barter, when the time comes and the banks close.

We won’t have to Barter this time... We're not taking the Path, Zimbabwe took...

This isn’t gonna happen. Zinc pennies won’t be worth the spending power of a dollar (Fed note) today. I’d be rich if it did
I have a thousand or so rolls of nickels and a hundred plus of half dollars. I get a bunch weekly searching for old silver and I just keep the extras and stopped taking them back to bank after reading your stuff months back. Ok I just checked it’s 300 rolls of nickels not 1000
But you get the point.

Hello! This question has probably been asked before, however- will the new US Dollar remain the world reserve currency? And would China back their currency with gold?

After the Reset, the U.S. Monetary System will gain renewed respect around the World... Since it will remove and replace the old System, it will continue where the old left off... I believe that U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents will be a Big Hit in the Credit Department of World Trade... I’m sure China and all their Gold will probably buy into and use our Crypto-Dollars and Cents...

Thank you for the quick reply!

You were the first to ask... Those who like Physical, will also have the U.S Trade Dollar option, to replace the Hundred Dollar “Bills”...

I sound like a broken record bro but yet another overnight 8% dip in account "value".....down to $143 and ~change~ for a year-and-a-half's-worth daily effort and "STEEM Up" . . . not even a roller coaster, just a steady and inevitable descent to Z-E-R-O . . . .

It wasn’t a total loss if you took the time to read this post...

I pray you are referring to the obvious ~~> 'In GOD We Trust' (cannot miss it / never do)

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Thanks... I hope you've been reading my Posts too...

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

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