in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

This may be the "Most Important Post" you'll ever Open and Read...

It's Free to "ALL" who Open it...

Could you imagine, taking a Peek into the Future and seeing what's heading our way...???

Could you imagine having the ability of knowing how the Transfer of Wealth will take place...???

I don't know the answer to the Greatest Wealth Transfer in History, but I do have a Theory...

My Theory thinks that since the Federal Reserve Notes we are currently using as Money, has lost so much Purchasing Power, that it's down to it's last One Cents Worth...

Therefore, since there's only about One Cents worth of Purchasing Power remaining in a Federal Reserve Note Dollar, let's just go ahead and "Remove and Replace" all of them with "Our Own Money"...

And no, we won't be stopping with the One dollar Bills...

Where we Go One, we Go All...

Where we Remove One, we Remove all...

All the way up to the One Hundred Dollar Bills...

We no longer "need" or "want" them...

My Theory believes, there is an Executive Order, standing by to implement the "Removal and Replacement" of all Federal Reserve Notes...

My Theory believes there will be a Redemption Period, to "Remove and Replace" all Federal Reserve Notes, World Wide...

The "ONE CENT" in Purchasing Power remaining in a Federal Reserve Note Dollar, will "TRANSFER" to a Physical, ONE CENT, U.S. COIN...

The ONE CENT coin will have the "same" Purchasing Power as the One Dollar Bill it "Removes and Replaces"...

So, if my Theory is correct, your One Hundred Dollar "Bill" will have the same Purchasing Power as a ONE DOLLAR U.S. COIN...

As per my Theory, there will also be the "Introduction" of a New United States "Trade Dollar"...

One U.S. Trade Dollar will help "Remove and Replace" One Hundred, Federal Reserve Note Dollars, should a Person prefer Cash, during the Redemption Period...

Here comes the good part...

As per my Theory, a very Powerful United States Crypto-Coinage will be "Activated"...

The U.S. Crypto-Coinage will be used to "Remove and Replace" all Federal Reserve Notes, World Wide...

The U.S. Crypto-Coinage will be Denominated in Crypto-Dollars & Decimal Cents...

ONE PHYSICAL CENT, will be "equal" with 100 Decimal Cents or One Federal Reserve Note Dollar Bill...

If you turn in One Federal Reserve Note Dollar, you will obtain either ONE CENT or 100 Decimal Cents...

In other words, the United States Crypto-Coinage will help the U.S. Trade Dollar "Remove and Replace" all Federal Reserve Notes, World Wide...

I prefer to keep my Posts short, so if any of this is of interest to you, I'm happy to say, I have over 600 more like it...

As always, feel free to Comment or ask Questions...



Interesting theory, but the potential seems to be increasing. We have no interest in crypto but have recently started trying to understand, better to be prepared, we have been stacking, and prepping for what is to come, a little time on education now seems like it is a good idea so we can have a jump start on how the new system works. Thanks for spreading the word!

U.S. Crypto-Coinage won't be an Investment... It will be a Monetary Tool, used to Measure Value... It will remain Stable... When the Value of an item goes up, it will cost more U.S. Crypto-Coinage... When an item goes down, it will cost less U.S. Crypto... The Major reason for its Implementation is to Remove and Replace all Federal Reserve Notes, World Wide... U.S. Cryto-Coinage will be considered "Same as Physical" U.S. Coinage... As per my Theory, all U.S. Coinage is about to be Reset with a 100 Fold Increase in its its Purchasing Power...

What is your favorite coin to have the most of?

I believe sir pockets enjoys "linkies" - or Lincoln Cents the most, I prefer "beiners" myself, 90% silver Bennie F / Franklin Halves circa 1948 - 1963

I actually do have a Fair Amount of Lincoln Pennies... I don't bother separating the Copper from the Zinc Cents... I did buy 5,000 Wheat Back Pennies... I received them recently and still haven't opened the Box... They're supposed to be Dated between 1930 and 1958...

Nice brother pockets - whelp. It just happ'ned - my Steemit account "value" has dipped below the $300 mark down from $1500+ all the way to $297
(on it's way to ZERO?!?) Time will tell sigh . . .and sumhow . . .I can't buy on the market screen at fair value anymore. They have it jack-rigged to way over the $1.00 mark - ridiculous . . .

My Theory still says to Spend the Paper and Pocket the Change...

It's quite a risk brother, but no bigger than my failed attempt to load Up on
"precious" metals. (not so precious now are they!) I was left in ruin on that.

You're not alone... Many people thought the Transfer of Wealth would be in the Precious Metals... As per my Theory, the place to be right now, is in United States Coinage... The Transfer of Wealth is not about its Melt Value... It's more about our People standing tall behind David, who's about to give Goliath the Boot...

I have many Mercury Dimes... I always liked them, but I'd never want to part with them the way I'd part with the One Dollar, and Quarter Dollar Coins... I'm actually going to like having all the Common U.S. Coins for Spending Purposes after the Reset... I love tossing my Pocket Change in different Cups when I get home... It's easier to sort them on a Daily Basis... A little Pocket Change is going to go a long ways after the Reset of our U.S. Coinage...

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

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