WHERE TO BUY 5,000 "$1" U.S. COINS...

in #steemsilvergold3 years ago (edited)

I would prefer to buy Five Boxes of $1 U.S. Coins at the Bank, because they would only Cost 5,000 Fiat USD's...

If my Bank says they don't have any Boxes of $1 U.S. Coins, I can buy them from the U.S. Mint...

They have an On Line Product Catalog that includes the New 2021 U.S. $1 Coins...

They will be more expensive at the U.S. Mint, because they will be Uncirculated...
These New $1 American Innovation Coins can be ordered on October 12, 2021 at 9.0 Hollywood Time...

One Roll of 25 Coins will only Cost me $34.50 plus Postage, and come with either P or D Mint Marks...

200 Rolls will contain 5,000 $1 Coins and will cost $6,900 plus Postage...

I can also buy 100 Coin Bags for only $117.50 plus Postage, with the same P and D Mint Marks...

If I buy 50 of the 100 Coin Bags of $1 U.S. Coins, it will cost me $5,875 plus Postage...

If my Vision is correct, 5,000 of these $1 Coins will buy me a House that Currently Costs $500,000...

I'm expecting to see the "Spending Power" of U.S. Coinage to increase 100 Fold, once they are "backed" Face Value for Face Value with our Corrected Silver and Gold U.S. Coinage...

Who wouldn't want to buy a $500,000 House for only $5,000 in U.S. $1 Coins...???

My Vision may or may not come to pass, but what if it does...???

I'd be able to pay $500 in U.S. Coinage for a Car that Currently costs 50,000 Fiat USD's...

I wrote about the United States Monetary Correction in Yesterdays Post...

Since the National Coin Shortage, it hasn't been very easy to obtain Boxes of any type of U.S. Coins at the Banks...

I imagine there could be a few Banks, spread out over the United States that might have Five Boxes of $1 Coins...

I do believe the Current Fiat Monetary System is about to Run Out of Spending Power...

I figure, the Fiat USD's have less than 1% Spending Power remaining...

I keep hearing about the Central Bank Owners "Great Reset" into what I've been calling their "Digital Slave Units"...

I can't see "We the People" taking that Path, so I came up with a Path that leads to New and Improved Currencies, backed by Silver and Gold Coins, with Corrected Face Values that will Range from $1 to $100...

Feel free to ask questions about anything I write...

Brought to you by @pocket-change...

October 3, 2021... 17.0 Hollywood Time...


Your conversions and vision are really admirable

I have to hope that my Vision is Correct, because if it's not, "We the People" are in Big Trouble...
October 3, 2021... 22.2 Hollywood Time...

Thank you for explaining this point of view, in this way we can see it much clearer and understand more, and if not, we can analyze other strategies.

Let me know if you have any questions...
October 4, 2021... 6.1 Hollywood Time...

Going back to the gold standard would be great, but I don't see it being allowed to occur. Too much pressure by TPTB to keep it as is. Is there something you're seeing that realistically stands a chance of actually happening to make it reality?
If so, why pay a premium for the uncirculated coins, why not patiently gather clad coins? There doesn't seem to be a rush to stack them. Even better, why not buy silver/gold coins?


Yesterday I heard on the news that in COLOMBIA they are going to release the 10,000 peso coins, perhaps the United States is not the only one to make the conversion to currencies, we will have to wait.

I have a One Peso Gold Coin from Mexico that is smaller than a U.S. Dime... It seems to me that a 10,000 Peso Coin must be using inflated numbers... They appear to be heading in the wrong direction to me...
October 5, 2021... 7.1 Hollywood Time...

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