What you See, is What you Get...

in #steemsilvergold3 years ago (edited)

Brought to you by @pocket-change...

Sometimes, my Posts have Hidden Clues, if you look closely at my choice of words...

Because I get very little feed-back, I feel that People are only looking at the pictures and skipping the words...

I hope that gave someone a laugh...

No, I'm not afraid to laugh at my own words...

I suppose, if I wasn't having fun trying to come up with something new, about the same old thing, I'd probably have something else going on with my time...

I love questions, because it forces my Brain to Search for Answers...

I came up with the Multi-Trillion Dollar Answer to a Question, that can Free us from the Monetary Chains that hold us Captive...

All we need to see is the Simple Truth...

The Answer I was able to come up with is a Very Simple Math Problem that any 3rd or 4th Grader could Solve...

There's nothing Complicated about the Answer I came up with...

Gold and Silver Coinage, along with Physical and Electronic Currencies, are used to Measure Value...

All we need to do is come up with a Stable Foundation to build our Monetary System...

Trust me when I say the Foundation has already been Poured and is ready to be built upon...

We the People were taken for a ride, by "individuals" seeking to Profit from our Confusion...

I'm sure they wanted to keep us Confused, by taking a Simple Monetary System and making it seem Complicated...

So, where am I going with this, you might ask...

I see that the Fiat (Slave Unit) Dollars and Digital Cents, are very close to running out of "Spending Power"...

I have a feeling, we might be working within the last One Percent...

That's a good reason to start Searching for a Back Up Plan, for a New and Improved Monetary System...

Our New Monetary System needs to remain "Stable"...

This means we need to have a Stable "Face Value" for our Coinage, that is worth more than its "Melt Value"...

This doesn't mean that a Work of Art that weighs One Ounce of Gold, can't be worth Coinage weighing Ten Ounces of Gold Coins...

A Painting on Canvas, can be worth many Ounces of Gold...

The Face Value of our Gold and Silver Coinage, must always be worth more, than the Melt Value of Gold and Silver...

In other words, the United States Treasury will be paying $70 in Gold Coinage, Silver Coinage, or Physical and Electronic Currencies, for an Ounce of Gold, than using that Ounce of Gold to Mint any Number of Gold Coins having a Total Face Value of $100...

Then again, a Person having $70 in Gold Coins or $70 in Physical or Electronic Currencies, can buy back that Ounce of Gold, and do whatever they want with it...

I'm sure you can see a Profit of $30 in Gold Coinage...

The One Hundred Dollars in Currency the Treasury will be allowed to issue will be used to Remove and Replace the Fiat (Slave Unit) Dollars at an exchange rate of 100 Fiat Dollars for One Sovereign Dollar...

The Sovereign Dollar, will have the "Spending Power" of the 100 Fiat Dollars they replace...

Call it a Transfer of "Wealth," a Transfer of "Value," or a Transfer of "Spending Power"...

Money and Currencies are Tools, used to Measure Value...

I hope I'm not confusing anyone...

Perhaps I should start over...

Once we Establish a Stable Monetary System, items will continue to Fluctuate in Value, because of Supply and Demand...

But our Money and Currencies will remain "Stable"...

No more inflation...

We need to Fix the Melt Values of Gold and Silver so that the Face Values of our Coinage remains Stable...

Every time "We the People" mint a New Gold or Silver Coin, the U.S. Treasury will be allowed to issue an equal "Face Value" amount of Currency, in Physical or Electronic Forms...

Our Gold and Silver Coinage needs to be in Perfect Balance with our Currencies...

Fort Knox will not be required to hold onto the Gold or Silver Coins, in order to issue the Currencies...

Gold and Silver Coinage will Circulate in a similar manner as our Currencies...

Naturally, the "Spending Power" of the Gold and Silver Coins will be much Greater than the Currency we use for our Daily Needs...

Our Currencies will Range from One "Electronic" Decimal Cent to One "Physical" Dollar...

Our Silver and Gold Coinage will Range from One Dollar to One Hundred Dollars...

It doesn't get much Simpler than that Folks...

It will take 10,000 Electronic Decimal Cents or 100 Electronic Cents to equal a 1/10th ounce, Silver "$1" Coin...

The $1 Silver Coin will have the "Spending Power" of 100 of Today's Fiat (Slave Unit) Dollars...

Our New Product Line of Currencies, backed by our New Product Line of Silver and Gold Coinage will be used to "Remove and Replace" all Fiat (Slave Unit) Dollars and Digital Cents...

We will not be taking the Path, the Central Bank Owners are leading us to, for their "Great Reset"...

We have our own Path to take, and it's going to be Awesome...

This post is getting a little long, so if you have any questions or comments, please reply...


April 4, 2021... 13.4 Hollywood Time...


This song seems to be Worthy of Easter Sunday...

April 4, 2021... 13.8 Hollywood Time...

This post has received a 34.19 % upvote from @boomerang.

It is now 15:00, and I've manually upvoted your post from earlier.

You'll be due a new upvote from 00:01 tomorrow, which is 9hrs and 1 minutes from the time I started writing this reply..... Its actually 15:03 now, so only 8rs and 58 mom's to go.

I have a feeling Precious hates me...lol... it's been 15 hours and I keep looking... I wish I knew what I was doing wrong...
April 5, 2021... 22.5 Hollywood Time...

Hahaha She doesn't hate you, she's just being very temperamental lately. Give her time, and hopefully she'll be back to normal before we know it.

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