
What happens when Debit and Credit Cards are no longer honored...???

Most People don't have much Cash on Hand...

So, what do we do if we have no Cash...???

What happens if the Fiat Dollars are no longer honored...???

Do we have a Back-Up-Plan in place...???

If we do have a Plan, what would you say that Plan would be...???

Why am I the only one who seems to have so many Questions...???

Do any of you feel that the Central Bank Owners are in Panic Mode right now...???

I'm aware that the Central Bank Owners would love for us to use their Digital Monetary System, backed by Slavery...

Do any of you think "We the People" will be willing to give up our Freedom for Digital Slave Units...???

Let me know what you think...

Brought to you by @pocket-change...

May 16, 2021... 11.8 Hollywood Time...


Someday, I hope what I write, makes a difference...

May 17, 2021... 0.0 Hollywood Time...

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