More Confusing Words from Me...

in #steemsilvergold3 years ago (edited)

"tipu" needs to take a Four Day Vacation, or the Maximum Transfer Amount, needs to go Down...

There's more value in the above Coin, than meets the eyes...

I feel like I'm always leaving something out, when I try to explain my Vision for the Return to a Sound Monetary System...

People have been Stacking Silver and Gold, because it can be used to "Buy their way into" the New Monetary System...

As for me, I'm already "Buying my way into" what I believe will become, the New and Improved Monetary System...

I just bought 800 Brand New Quarter Dollars as seem above, for only 200 Fiat (Slave Unit) Dollars...

After the Reset to Sound Money, it will cost me Two, $100 "One Ounce" Gold Coins, in order to buy the same 800 Quarter Dollars...

As per my Vision, there will be a One Hundred Fold increase in Spending Power, of each Quarter Dollar...

It's pretty Obvious to me, that the "Old" Monetary System, is "Taking its Last Stand"...

There's only a little more inflation remaining in the Fiat Dollars, before the Bubble Pops...

When it gets to the point of Zero Spending Power, there's nothing left to inflate...

When it comes to the Loss of Spending Power, I hear different numbers, all the time...

No matter what I've been hearing lately, I figure the Fiat (Slave Unit) Dollars are within their Last One Percent Spending Power...

I still think "We the People" will honor that last One Percent, which will make for a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate...

In other words, the Fiat (Slave Unit) Dollars will remain Safe, until the End of the Redemption Period...

This means a person will turn in 100 Fiat Dollars, for a $1 Silver Coin, or our New and improved United States of America Currencies, which will be backed by Silver and Gold Coinage...

The New $1 Coin will contain One Tenth of an Ounce of 99.9% Silver and have the Spending Power of 100 of the Old Fiat (Slave Unit) Dollars...

Our Ten Dollar Coins will contain either One Full Ounce of 99.9% Silver or One Tenth Ounce of 99.9% Gold...

This will Set the Silver/Gold Ratio at 10 to 1 in both Face Value and Melt Value...

Keep in mind that the Face Value of our Silver and Gold Coinage, will always be greater than their Melt Values...

Because of the Difference between the Melt Values and the Face Values, it means our Coinage will always buy you more Silver and Gold, than the Coins actually Contain...

It also means that you will need to "turn in" more Silver and Gold, than you "get back" with our New and Improved, Silver and Gold Coinage...

It works in Reverse when you Buy Silver or Gold at Melt Value Prices, using your Silver and Gold Coinage...

As Simple as my Vision is, I keep getting the feeling that I'm Confusing People...

Did I leave out the most important part...???

Need I write more...???

Brought to you by @pocket-change...

May 5, 2021... 17.0 Hollywood Time...


I've been wanting to take a nice Vacation... Where do I go...???

May 5, 2021... 17.5 Hollywood Time...

i think i was the only one noticed this about tipu i mean

I've been cutting back on the amount I transfer there, but others keep pushing it to the limit... I've noticed that the more you Transfer, the less profit you end up with... I think I'm doing better than the others, by Transferring less...
May 5, 2021... 23.8 Hollywood Time...

it is exactly as you say...i'm trying to keep it to 5 sbd per post

Why would we want to use 99.9 fine for coins? They would not ware well as gold is to soft and silver does not hold up that well either. Why not go back to 90% the way they did it before when this was a working system? Dollar should be set to either silver of gold but not both. We should have two currencies that float. Silver for day to day and gold for settlement. That way you would not have pressure to maintain one against the other as supply and demand change.

Well... Our Silver and Gold Coins won't be used very much for day to day spending... The Smallest 1/10th Ounce Coin will have a Face Value of One Dollar, which will have the Spending Power of 100 of Today's Fiat Dollars... And the Smallest Gold Coin will be 1/10th of an Ounce with a Face Value of Ten Dollars, which will have the Spending Power of 1,000 of Today's Fiat Dollars...

Our Day to Day Currencies will ranch from One Decimal Cent to One Dollar, and if Measured in Fiat Dollars, it would be like One Penny to One Hundred Dollars in Spending Power...

Our Silver and Gold Coinage can be used, but just like a Hundred Dollar Bill, most fast food joints won't accept One Dollar Silver Coins... Most people will be using their Debit Cards and Smart Phones... That's where our Electronic Coinage comes into play...We will also have Paper Cents... A Paper Cent will have the Spending Power of One of Today's Fiat Dollars...

This is a New Monetary System... Many mistakes were made back when we were making 90% Silver and Gold Coins... Our biggest mistake was trying to copy what was familiar at the time... The New System will be very simple and easy to understand...

By the way, our Currencies won't be Floating, and neither will our Silver and Gold Coinage... They will be Stable... We will have 4 Silver Coins and 4 Gold Coins that will range from $1 to $100... They will be used to back our Stable Currencies that will range from One Decimal Cent to One Dollar... It will be very Simple and very Stable...

Anyway, a small pocket full of $1 Silver Coins will have plenty of Spending Power... Very few people will ever be Carrying Silver and Gold Coinage... They will be for people who don't trust having all their Money in Banks...
May 6, 2021... 22.4 Hollywood Time...

This post has received a 51.53 % upvote from @boomerang.

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