How to Cure the Monetary Pandemic...

in #steemsilvergold3 years ago (edited)

Let me start my Post, with a very Clever Quote from Albert Einstein...

"Imagination is more important than knowledge... For knowledge is Limited to all we "now" know and understand... While imagination embraces the entire World, and all there ever "will" be to know and understand"...

I've mentioned numerous times that the only thing I have going for me is my "Wild Imagination"...

I have no insider information, outside of what's already known...

I started here on Steemit, writing about a "Theory" that most everyone found too hard to believe...

I wrote that our Common Coinage would experience a 100 Fold increase in Spending Power...

That was a pretty good start, in my book...

I figured the Fiat USD's have lost 99% of their Spending Power, through many Decades of inflation...

This lead me to think that a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate would be in order...

This way, that last One Percent Spending Power of the Fiat USD's would be Transferred over to our Common Coinage...

Fiat "Dollars" would be Exchanged for our Sound Money "Cents"...

That part seemed easy enough to figure out...

Then there was a question about making change for a One Cent Coin, that was about to increase 100 Fold in Spending Power...

Who could have thought, that Common U.S. Coinage would out perform Silver, Gold and Bitcoin...???

That lead me to think about a need for Electronic Dollars, Cents and Decimal Cents...

100 Decimal Cents is equal to 1 Electronic Cent, and 100 Electronic Cents is equal to 1 Electronic Dollar...

So, that part also seemed easy enough to figure out...

So now, we have Coinage that Ranges from 1 Cent to 100 Cents or 1 Dollar, and we have Electronic Coinage that Ranges from 1 Decimal Cent to unlimited Electronic Dollars...

We needed to back our Common and Electronic Coinage with our Silver and Gold Coinage,

I saw that the Silver and Gold Content of our Existing Coinage had big mistakes that needed to be Corrected...

Their Weights and Face Value Measurements were all wrong, and needed to be Corrected...

The first mistake was using the numbers 1 through 10 instead of 1 through 100...

We should have come up with Eight Coins, right from the start...

So, I came up with Four Weights and Eight Face Values...

The Weights need to be 1/10 oz, 1/4 oz, 1/2 oz and 1 oz...

The 4 Silver Coins would need to have $1, $2.5, $5, and $10 Face Values...

The 4 Gold Coins would need to have $10, $25, $50 and $100 Face Values...

This would create a 10 to 1 Silver/Gold Ratio for our Silver and Gold Coinage...

So, looking at the Completed Puzzle, I see the following...


Our New and Improved Currencies will "Range" from "1" Decimal Cent to "$1"...

Our Silver Coinage will range from "$1" to "$10"...

And our Gold Coins will range from "$10" to "$100"...


That's the Simple Cure, for the World Wide Monetary Pandemic...

Feel free to question anything I write...

Brought to you by @pocket-change...

January 10, 2022... 18.9 Hollywood Time...


Monetary correction is really needed for this monetary pandemic

Is there anything about it that you don't understand...??? I love Questions...
January 11, 2022... 13.6 Hollywood Time...

Thank so much sir

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