in #steemsilvergold3 years ago (edited)


When most People think of Hard Assets, the first things that come to mind are Precious Metals...

So, what gives Precious Metals their Value...???

Is it the Melt Value of the Metal, the Face Value of a Coin, or a Combination of the two..???

I believe that Money is a Tool to Measure Value...

How else would we Measure the Value of anything, if our Money had no Face Values...???

So, the Face Value of our Currencies will need to be in Perfect Balance, with the Face Values of our Precious Metal Coinage...

We the People have the Last Word, when it comes to the Face Values of our Coinage...


Forget about the Melt Values of the Metals used to Mint our Coinage...

They are what we say they are, because we use them as Tools to Measure Value...

A "Stable" Measurement "is" what "we" say it "is"...


Every time the United States "mints" a new Precious Metal Coin, the United States Treasury will be allowed to issue or back, an equal Face Value amount of Currencies, backed by the Face Values of the Coinage Minted...

I realize that some of our United States Precious Metal Coinage will require some Face Value Corrections...

That can all be addressed at a later date...

Right now, "We the People" have a Back Up Plan, for when the Fiat Monetary System no longer works...

We already have our Physical Monetary Tools, spread out all over the United States and even the World...

The United States has been Minting Silver and Gold Coinage, in Numbers that would Stagger your Imagination...

The latest Silver and Gold Coinage is the Bullion Coinage, with Dates that started in 1986...

The Reverse Sides of those Coins have now been Changed...

They are being called the New "Type 2" Silver and Gold Coins, because of the New Reverse Sides...

They are supposed to come out this Summer, but Dates are always Subject to Change...

I just saw that happen with the New 2021 Morgan and Peace Dollars...

The first two, were "No longer Available" the day after orders started to be taken...

They may become very rare, and I'm now kicking myself, for not ordering them in the first few minutes...

So, feel free to question anything I write...

Brought to you by @pocket-change...

May 28, 2021... 1.7 Hollywood Time...


Lucky for you, we have a back up plan...

May 28, 2021... 2.4 Hollywood Time...

reading your post it is undoubted that you know a lot about the subject, the only thing I can say is that fiat money will always have a place, I do not think it will disappear in its entirety, think about the number of people who have fiat money among those is me, Well I hope it doesn't go away ha ha ha.
Happy day

My Vision is actually very simple... All we need to do is Correct the Face Values of our Precious Metal Coinage and use it to back our New and Improved Currencies... Fiat Money will be "Removed and Replaced" by our Silver and Gold Coinage and the Currencies our Coinage backs... Our Currencies will get a person an equal Face Value amount of Silver and Gold Coins... Our Clad Coinage will be backed by our Precious Metal Coinage, if my Vision proves to be Correct... I really see no other way of returning to a Sound Monetary System... Thanks again for reading and commenting...
May 28, 2021... 6.4 Hollywood Time...

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