A Peek into the Future...

The Future proves Past...

This One Dollar, 99.9% Silver Coin will be available on the U.S. Mints Product Page on May 24, 2021 at 9.0 Hollywood Time, for only $85 plus Postage...
This one will have the New Orleans "Privy" Mark.
This is just the Start of What's to Come...

Need I write more...???

May 15, 2021... 14.0 Hollywood Time...


Is anyone here into Real Money...???

May 15, 2021... 15.0 Hollywood Time...

i cannot say it is cheap at 85 $
can you please tell me the actual weight of the coin?

It's not the Weight that Counts, but since you asked, it's 99.9% Silver and is a 0.858 ounce Coin...

This Coin will probably end up with the "Spending Power" of 1,000 of Today's Fiat (Slave Unit) Dollars......

That is of course, if my Vision has any Merit...

May 15, 2021... 14.7 Hollywood Time...

Much Valuable !!

As per my Vision, $85 will soon become 85 Cents in our New and Improved Sovereign Currencies...

Where else could you buy a One Dollar Silver Coin, for only 85 Cents plus Postage...???

May 15, 2021... 14.9 Hollywood Time...

At the moment there is no money, but tell me how much the steem is Required To Buy??

Steem isn't "Stable"... It goes Up and Down, all the time...
May 16, 2021... 2.8 Hollywood Time...

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63362.14
ETH 2592.64
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.80