@GoldMatters And Why He's So Dope + Giveaway!

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone!
So in my journey through this great steemit platform I've met some real quality people that have grown into friendships quite quickly. @raybrockman @thedamus @armshippie @welshstacker and many more (sorry If your name wasn't written). My newest aquatence is a man that goes by the name of Mr........


That's right! @goldmatters. A lot of people know him already but for those that don't and most my Metals Mafia Familia I'm here to tell you, He Is That Dude. From my little time folowing him I have learned a thing or two about the man and he is solid. He offers awesome contests and giveaways and he truly beleives in steemit. The latest of his posts are about how to mainstream Steemit. Now this I found to be truly important. We are all here trying to make it happen. But what are we doing off the platform to make this place grow? Most of us would probably answer with nothing. But @goldmatters has a great idea... Linking your posts to Facebook Twitter and Instagram is a great way to show the world outside of the platform what steemit is all about and hopfully draw them in to this great place. Here are a couple of my examples.



So my challenge to the SSG and Metals Mafia communities are to:

  1. Go and give @goldmatters a follow and check out a few posts.

  2. Start linking your posts to other platforms. (Mafia Peeps this is an executive order from your Don) 😀

It's easy and it will help all of us in the long run. Steemit is small right now and if this place ever went mainstream the payouts and success of us early starters could be insane. Let's stand with @goldmatters and make a difference and make steemit mainstream.

If your smellin what I'm cookin go ahead and head down to @goldmatters and tell him who sent ya. No time like the present 👍 I know he would also love to see some screenshots of Linked Steemit posts on other platforms.....and ya know what? So would I. So I'm gonna giveaway 1 ozt of my fine Silver Bullion to one lucky person that comments in this post with a linked steemit post on another platform. It's all about supporting each other 👍



@goldmatters is the real deal, that dude gives and gives and just when you think there is no more to give, his ass resurfaces and gives some more. I mean this dude gave @ned a steemit round, in fucking person. Now that's is some next leval shit.

Hell Yeah! Guy is friggin awesome man. Glad to be able to support his cause

And he’s now holding the “Halloween” battle scarred #1156 (i think...) from @thedamus 😜

This was the coin that partied at a bunch of Hotels then went and saw Roger Waters, then went wine shopping and lit it up on all hallows eve — Yar Maties they be hearing our canon before long!

Nice it made it all the way to see Roger Waters!

What a show!!!

Fuckin’ A Don!!!


Thanks Brotha! IMG_20180216_001215.jpg

O fuck you guys are funny!

Flippin’ out Franklins
Like a black-jack dealer
On a hot streak, he’s cool
Like a Pittsburgh Steeler


You are spot on about this!! He is an incredible Steemian! Let's continue to bring those Facebook users to Steemit!

Those Steem poured round are might sexy!

Yeah buddy. All my posts are getting linked from now on

Via Facebook, Twitter, Myspace (jk)!

Man that is so cool! I’m so humbled to have a post about me! Thank you so much for supporting my effort. I dont know what to say I’m speechless. Thank you!!

You deserve it bud. You are everything that's right around here 👍

You really walk the walk GM!


@goldmatters is definitely good people. Glad you made it here pit and found ssg!

Me too Brotha! 👍

Great post @pit-bullion! My fb post is entered on @goldmatters contest page. Thanks!

You got it Boss! Great post and thanks for the heads up! 👍🏼🍺🥓

You know it Crypto Clint

I tweeted my own post that I wrote earlier today; will that count for an entry to the giveaway?


Hey pit did you do the draw yet for the steem round?

I am going there and tell him that you sent me. Thanks for the info.

Thanks man. Much appreciated

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