The Silver Mermaid

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)


This is my entry for the Nick Name CONTEST for SSG-community BOT.

The Silver Mermaid


According to a legend, Hephaestus, the greek God of Fire and master craftsman, created in his underground forge the attributes of the gods of Olympus, like the sceptre of Zeus and the trident of Poseidon. Besides that he built automatons made of metal and breathed life into them so that they would work for him. He crafted two special maidservants, one of pure silver and the other of solid gold. It was gratitude that made him give them the shape of Thetis and Eurynome. Two sea nymphs, who after his fall from Olympus had nursed him back to health and had taught him the art of forging. Of all the beauties, they were unparalleled. And that's why Hephaestus kept them hidden.

At first they helped Hephaestus with all his work tacitly. But one day one of them began to ask herself if she was more beautiful than the other and of course that was the beginning of a constant controversy. Hephaestus tried to calm them by telling them they were both as beautiful as the other but he did not succeed. So they argued and ranted on and on, nothing seemed to be more important than the answer to this one question. As they didn’t need any sleep their argument continued day and night, never-ending. The poor blacksmith’s nerves were on edge when he finally decided to melt them down again for the sake of peace and his own divine ease.


Just in that moment real Thetis entered for a visit to pick up the weapons she had ordered for her son Achilles. The silver servant saw the chance to flee her fate and took it by slipping silently into the goddess’s robe and hiding there. Thetis realized her stowaway passenger only when she was home in the sea. She dragged the mechanical figure from her clothes and recognized herself. The silver servant told her what had happened. Thetis smiled and said “It’s the intrinsic value that counts, really. I’ll take you back.” But the silver servant didn’t want to go back to Hephaestus and begged to stay in the ocean. She liked it here and she wanted to be of service to all of those who perceived her true value. Thetis was pleased by the idea and decided to make her a gift: She transformed her into a mermaid, so that she was able to move freely all over the sea. From this time on the silver mermaid ranges through the waters and she only appears to people who are not deluded by outer glow. She swims with minnows, plays with dolphins and rides with whales. Nobody ever managed to catch her. There are many stories, legends and myths about her. But in this ocean, or so they say, there ought to be lucky ones who she visits from time to time...


Note: Right, part of the story is ancient Greek mythology. It is true that Hephaestus created two mechanical servants. But both were made of gold. It is also the case that Thetis and other sea nymphs raised him after his fall from Mount Olympus and taught him the art of forging. Also it's not wrong that she hired him to make the weapons for her son Achilles. What has become of the golden servants is unknown and nobody knows if they had names either. (We know about the story of @silvergoldbotty and what has happened. This event has also found its way into my story. Some of you might have noticed this.) Steemit is an ocean. Therefore it was obvious to choose a being who lives in the sea and who only few of us can meet. It is important to recognize the true value of precious metals. Otherwise she won't appear to you. And it seemed important to me that she is a sexless, ancient and legendary being.



Glad I made it, if I don't do things immediately I usually miss it :P
Good Luck, PAW! Where do we see who is in the lead?
At least you made a back story :D Pretty Good, very Interesting!

thank you, @underground! i think there is going to be a final post from @ssg-community.
in a couple of days we can vote what we like the best name and story. greetings from germany.

I think it would be a wonderful name for our bot. I really like the analogy of this story.
You definitely have my vote!

i'm so glad to hear that. thank you, @rolf.bakker.

Titties and SILVER!


Just before that, Thetis was trying to hide Achilles from going to the trojan war recruited by Odysseus, dressing him like one girl between the friends of the Lycomedes daughters!! I did have the pleasure of working with a piece of Pedro Calderón de la Barca about this part of the myth of Thetis and the very young Achilles called "El monstruo de los jardines" [The monster (wonder) of the gardens]. Odysseus discovers him bringing some presents for the girls in which there were some common weapons that Achilles couldn't resist.
Definitively the divinity of the Goddess and her powerful Son will bring you the best light in this contest because this entry is great!!
A big Hug for you @Pawos and Light always for everything important!!!

thank you very much, dear friend of the art, which we both love so much.
i had something to do with Calderón de la Barca's play Vida es sueño ...

And of course I'll be glad to know more about this work!! You must know tha my career is all about different functions in theater, and Calderon is an author that has a great part in my path in this Art, as actor, as director, as writer and also as teacher!! So your project about La vida es sueño, already looks great to me and I'll be attending for more about that!!!
More Hugs and the best winds for every project dear @Pawos!!
Light Always!!

Great Idea @pawos - I Love It - The Silver Mermaid- (Its Perfect), very thoughtful and Insightful - Great Name The Silver Mermaid :-)

glad you like it, thx @blackrussian.

Great post and entry!

thank you, @thedamus.

Cool name, and back ground i like it.

thank you for your feedback and resteem, @firecajun9262! i hope many others like it too.

Ein sehr kreativer Beitrag! Die griechische Mythologie wurde mir einst auf dem Gymnasium im Altgriechisch-Unterricht präsentiert, aber so gut habe ich damals wohl nicht aufgepasst. Somit dient mir dein Beitrag als willkommene Wiederholung.

Kann ich bei dir diese schöne Silbermünze bestellen?

vielen dank, @freiheit50. ich habe mich auch nur schwach erinnert und musste mich noch einmal einarbeiten, um damit spielen und daraus eine abgewandelte geschichte entwerfen zu können. die griechische mythologie ist einfach immer wieder faszinierend. was die münze betrifft, man kann sie nicht bei mir bestellen. aber z.b. kettner-edelmetalle hat sie vorrätig! hab sie dir verlinkt. lg

Schöne Impressionen, ansprechender Vote-Kuss per Meerjungfrau. Doch was ist das für eine Community?. Ich habe mir schon etwas angeschaut, bin über einzelne Aspekte schlau geworden, doch mir fehlt die Ausgangsessenz (Gründungsgedanke).

liebe @karaminze, folgendes. innerhalb der steemit community hat sich im letzten jahr eine kleinere community gegründet, die deren faszination für edelmetalle vereint, die #steemsilvergold. wir haben etwa 200 mitglieder aktuell und unseren eigenen bot. für diesen neuen bot wird ein name gesucht. die silberne meerjungfrau ist mein vorschlag dafür und eine geschichte dazu habe ich mir auch ausgedacht. wir mitglieder können alle vorschläge machen. sie werden gesammelt und in einigen tagen wird via vote darüber abgestimmt, welcher name es sein soll. lange zeit war ich der einzige deutsche in dieser gruppe, bis vor kurzem auch @flipstar beigetreten ist. ansonsten bestehen wir hauptsächlich aus amerikanern, kanadiern, engländern und australiern. lg

Danke und wie gesagt schöner Name.

guter beitrag @pawos. ich mag mythologie!
und ich hoffe du gewinnst und wirst auch in den bot-trail miteingenommen!
ich drück dir die daumen und wünsche dir viel glück!

vielen dank, lieber @oendertuerk. als mitglied von #steemsilvergold werde ich von unserem bot schon verbindlich gevotet. den contest der namensgebung dafür zu gewinnen wäre darum so cool, weil es eine silbermünze zu gewinnen gibt. und über die würde ich mich schon sehr freuen :-) lg

achso... oh... dann habe ich wieder was falsch verstanden :)) damn! :))
ja dann ist gut, und trotzdem wünsche ich dir, dass du die coole münze gewinnst! ;))

yeah, freu mich über deinen support! kann ich gebrauchen. die konkurrenz ist hart.

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