
Looks the the col weather will continue as this winter will not release its grip on Europe. Almost spring and the snow continues. Seems like we can forget all the global warming mongering, and start seeing the Grand Solar Minimum is just starting to show its hand with reduced solar activity.

Yea it’s actually much colder this year than it was last year, last year this time in England it was snowing at all...

And next winter, the strength of the sun will decrease another level and the volatility will be 50% greater next year, more cold, more snow........Everyone get ready and research the GSM event unfolding in front of the world.

I can live with the snow as I burn like a ginger in the desert lol, you made a snow man yet or done snow angels

Hahahaha I think I’ll turn in to a snow man before I’ll be able to build one..hahaha well ima make the best of this snowy weather hahaha

As a Brazilian used to a hot weather, I can tell you that I love snow pictures but I hate snow...

Hahahaha aaahh the bitter cold air, literally numbs your face..I’m aswell to use to hot hot weather, but I actually prefer nice cold weather and not snowy ice cold ...I’m a winter baby

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