A Sure Sign of Stackitis in the Wild

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

I'm trying not to think about cryptos this weekend. Ouch!

But I did snap a few great pics a few days ago of a rare find in the woods near my house. There I was, minding my own business when I saw an albino deer just walking along the edge of some woods near a fairly busy road. This deer does not own any silver and he has an obvious case of Wild-Type II Stackitis. This is what happens when Stackitis is left untreated...Save the Deer!


I was also able to catch some video of him walking along...this is what Stackitis can do at its worse!

I am Lord @matthewwarn and I have Stackitis...but there are worse problems to have in life...like living in the woods with a bunch of coyotes and not blending in!


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That is so cool. I have been out in the county my whole life and never seen an albino deer. Very cool

He didn't "blend" very well...I'm guessing they don't make it in the wild for very long. This guy is lucky to be on some preserve land, but the coyotes will get him soon enough

This is pretty cool. I've never seen an albino deer before. I've never even heard of an albino deer.
How do you know the deer doesn't have silver? This dear maybe ingesting colloidal silver. Maybe that's why it's an albino deer.

Just kidding. Very cool pics and video.

Thats a good point...I heard that makes one's skin bluish-grey if you take too much

Wow. A rare sight! Cool to see a albino

Yeah, it was pretty amazing...I'm curious to see how long he makes it. I'm by this area a few times a week, so I plan on keeping an eye out for him

that's a sign! we leaving the flat xD

I'm happy you got to see this, thrilled you caught it on video, and laughing at the thought of going albino without silver! Great post and a welcome respite from the f'ing cryptosphere!

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