Why I Stack Silver, Not Gold

There is a great contest being held by @goldkey here:

One of the replies was about stacking gold, not silver, mostly due to the space needed for storage. Maybe if I was a very wealthy man that would be a problem I would worry about. For now, a lifetime of stacking still fits very nicely in an acceptable amount of space.

I would like to point out that the only time Jesus acted aggressively with a human was when he threw the money changers out of the Temple. Furthermore, he ran around healing the sick and raising the dead and saving the sinners for years with very little resistance. After that scene at the Temple, he was on a cross that weekend. THAT is how important money is, whether we are spiritual or not.

Silver has the power to bring down the fiat Temple. Buying gold does not. Why? Because silver is treated as a disposable resource, meaning it will run out eventually. When that happens, the jig is up. All the ETF's in the world will not make the cell phone work. Gold, on the other hand, is not used in general. It is stuffed in a vault and admired from afar at best. If they run out, they can paint titanium, leave you standing behind the gate and tell you they have a basement full of it.

It is all gold, they said so...

Photo from google, labeled for reuse

Max Keiser had a "Silver Vigilante" thing he did many years ago. He sort of moved on to crypto now, but I wish he would revive the movement. There was much truth in what he said back then: Ounce by ounce, one person at a time, buy up the silver and THAT will bring down the money changers.

On a side note... I verified my hot wife a while back and was told I could join steemsilvergold, but I cannot find the discord "join" button. Can anyone hook a brother stacker up? Thank you!


Hi longsilver! I really liked your post and totally agree with your analysis — also, i had no idea the two biblical events happened so close together.

Yeah, funny how even the church never connected those dots for the people.


Great read!! "That weekend he was on a cross"

Thanks for checking out my post and the compliment (and upvote!)

note that I myself don't have that problem with silver, it's a problem I discovered hording pennies.

Indeed, I would LOVE to have so much silver that it was taking up too much space!

its more of a weight concern than space, consider how much weight your floors or vehicle will actually hold in a small space.

The weight makes it harder to steal. A guest in my home could walk out with 10 oz of gold in their pocket and $13000 dollars gone. I think I would notice if someone tried to walk out with 13,000 dollars orth of silver. Have a grateful day.

for sure, there are advantages and disadvantages, someone needs to be pretty strong if they want to steal one of my buckets of copper pennies.

Huh! Certainly an interesting idea.
It's true silver is cool. The Chinese used silver, never used gold, and their empire lasted close to 2000 years longer than the Romans, who did use gold.
Silver makes for better currency I think. Also, by the end of the Dynastic System in China, they had started debasing their currency. (Great video with Stacy and Max about it and the guy who did the analysis of late Qing Dynasty silver coinage - literally crap counterfeit alloy coated in thin layer of silver for the most part, if containing any silver on the coin at all)... All this to say, it takes a much longer time before the incentive to counterfeit silver actually becomes worth it... You need some serious corruption and mismanagement of an economy before things get that bad... With gold though it's like worth counterfeiting it the second you find a sucker who will buy your fake hahaha...

LOL just go on the dark web and look at how much "counterfeit gold bars" are sold there for scamming... I don't think anybody would bother counterfeiting silver xD

Yeah, I think silver is the bomb.

They say to kill monsters like Werewolves and Ghouls and all those undead kind of creatures you need a silver bullet...

Makes sense silver would be the bankster's weakness...

But also, whereas silver is certainly a much better idea than gold, at the end of the day the two metals only have value in a monetary system... Society may or may not be evolving to go beyond the monetary soon... Or at least completely change the very idea of a "market-system"

Well, probably not for dissidents and people living on the margins of society... Silver will always have value in the eyes of people trying to facilitate trade...

But it'll have a hard time competing with crypto...

I may be much younger than you but if I could stack anything it would GPU and ASIC miners and be participating in decentralized mining pools and creating, issuing and trading with privately mined self-issued cryptocurrency on a distributed ledger...

Call me new-fashioned lol

Show me the GPU or ASIC miner that does not contain silver and I will stack them instead lol! And if you think silver is only useful as currency, please check out this old post of mine:
Which reminds me, I was going to do a part two of that...
I agree that crypto is worth "stacking" also, but there is no crypto without silver, and if my crypto got hacked and lost tomorrow, my silver would be unaffected.

Hahahahaha this was a great response 😂
All completely fair points bro. You are rihht to stack your silver man. Especially if you're thinking agoristically and want to be a dissident against the system.
Silver is inconvenient means of storing value for me because I have a lot of investments and projects I want to work on.
But if I had a phat load of fiat in my pocket and didn't know what to do with it, silver would be among the things I'd want in my safe house / vault haha

On a side-note I think Jesus wasn't put on the Cross because of the temple incident...

Even in the story those are not the charges that were brought up against him... Yes some of the Jews (the priests) may have hated him because of this because he was proposing to ban a temple tax that was bankrupting the poor in favor of enabling the greed of those who already had more than enough... This would have been pretty popular in the eyes of most of his contemporaries (subjects, cos you know, he was the King of the Jews, no matter what other people may say...)

It's a nice CIA-Mossad Rothschild idea but I think there was a lot more to it...

No matter what the actual truth of the story is! I still take your point though and the weekend after did make me chuckle lol... Certainly would be like this today!

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