The Socialist "Fake" Jobs Recovery

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago

(Photo credit: rob_poh, Photobucket)

Financial "fake" news reports the economic "recovery" is robust. The NY Times puts it thusly:

US Labor Market Roars Back, Adding 222000 Jobs in June

New York Times  - 7 July, 2017

The Labor Department released the June hiring and unemployment figures on Friday morning. This is the latest official snapshot of the state of the American economy.

The Numbers

• 222,000 jobs were added last month. Wall Street economists had expected employment gains of 175,000.

• The unemployment rate was 4.4 percent. May’s jobless rate was 4.3 percent.

• The average hourly wage grew by 2.5 percent from a year earlier.

• The labor-force participation rate inched up to 62.8 percent, from 62.7 percent.

The Takeaway

The labor market roared back in June, with a hefty monthly gain in jobs, and revisions added 47,000 more jobs to April and May than previously reported. Over the past three months, job gains have averaged 194,000 a month. Although the unemployment rate ticked up from the previous month, it did so because more people joined the work force.

“The payroll number is well above expectations,” said Jim O’Sullivan, chief United States economist for High Frequency Economics..."

The REAL "Takeaway"

What they're NOT telling you is the makeup of the jobs that were "created". Once you dig deeper, here is what you discover:

Government Job Growth in June Outstrips Manufacturing 35 to 1

By Terence P. Jeffrey, CBS

July 7, 2017

( - The growth in the number of employees in federal, state and local government jobs beat the growth in the number of employees in manufacturing jobs 35 to 1 in June, according to the employment data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The seasonally adjusted government employment number grew by 35,000 in the month, while seasonally adjusted manufacturing employment grew by only 1,000.

Also, in 2017 so far, the United States has created 1,000 more government jobs than manufacturing jobs, according to the BLS data.

From May to June, the seasonally adjusted total for employment in government rose from 22,318,000 to 22,353,000—an increase of 35,000.

At the same time, the seasonally adjusted total for employment in manufacturing rose from 12,395,000 to 12,396,000—an increase of 1,000.

Since December 2016, government jobs have gone from 22,299,000 to 22,353,000--an increase of 54,000.

Since December, manufacturing jobs have gone from 12,343,000 to 12,396,000--an increase of 53,000.

Government jobs outnumbered manufacturing jobs by 9,957,000 during June in the United States, according to the BLS.

The BLS noted in its release on the June employment data that health care had added 37,000 jobs during the month, social assistance employment had added 23,000, financial activities had added 17,000, mining had added 8,000, professional and business services had added 35,000 and food services and drinking places had added 29,000.

“Employment in other major industries, including construction, manufacturing, wholesale trade, retail trade, transportation and warehousing, information, and government, showed little change over the month."

So, the stock market soars (largely from FED and the government's PPT ("Plunge-Protection Team" *), while the big banks, like JPMorgan and others already prosecuted for manipulating the price of precious metals with the express purpose of bolstering the US dollar and making the economy APPEAR stronger than it really is, pull off 440 million in derivative market short-selling (NO backing required -  selling "paper" contracts such as ETFs and futures contracts for amounts that far exceed the world's capacity to support these trades with actual asset backing.) to "flash crash" the precious metals markets as President Trump is scheduled to meet with Russian President Putin.

MSM's reason for all this? "A wonderful jobs report"! 

We are hiring 35-to-1 people who will be working for the government! Their salaries will have to be paid by non-government workers taxes (that only ONE guy hired!.) Government workers pay taxes back to the government with money they received from the government.

Does anyone ELSE see the "shell game" that's being played on this nation's gullible sheeple?

Buckle up folks! This ain't goin' to end very well!

* DEFINITION of 'Plunge Protection Team - PPT' (Investopedia)

A colloquial name given to the Working Group on Financial Markets. The Plunge Protection Team was created to make financial and economic recommendations to various sectors of the economy in times of economic turbulence. The team consists of the Secretary of the Treasury, the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, the Chairman of the SEC and the Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

BREAKING DOWN 'Plunge Protection Team - PPT'

"Plunge Protection Team" was the nickname given to the Working Group by The Washington Post in 1997. The team was initially perceived by some to have been created solely to shore up the markets or even manipulate them. The team was created in response to the 1987 market crash.

The theory is that the team manipulates markets by executing trades on several exchanges when the market isn't behaving as it would like. It is said to only work with big banks such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, only to report to the President, and to keep no records of trades. 


Thanks for the info, I think I was listening to Greg Hunter on youtube and he was saying many of the same things.

Another point he was talking about was how cheap gold and silver were and that it was likely due to paper gold being put into circulation to mask the weakness of the dollar, and thats why cryptos saw so much growth, since paper derivatives dont exist for them.

But anyways, keep up the work man I love your posts sofar

Thanks. Yeah I agree about the cryptos. They haven't figured out how to short the crypros since there's no paper ("fiat") derivative market they can manipulate and hold up as the "real" value of the asset. We can't be distracted! PHYSICAL gold and silver are NOT THE SAME thing! My advice is to buy & hold it - use the cryptos as currency (whenever possible) to retain your net worth.

BTW: Following you now since I noticed I wasn't already. Look forward to seeing your posts as well.

Why There Are No Jobs In America - Chuck Missler

(courtesy of Koinonia House YouTube Channel)

Government needs to get out of our businesses and let the free markets do their thing. Upvoted & Resteemed.

Good one @bi5h0p - My point exactly. Socialistic manipulation is NOT free market capitalism. It ALWAYS fails, and fails badly for the common man.

Wait a minute I've got to get this straight, Trump is a socialist?

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
At some point the Fake News will be forced to discuss our great jobs numbers, strong economy, success with ISIS, the border & so much else!
6:10 AM - 3 Jul 2017

Ha! Good thought! No, I certainly don't believe he is in any way. Look at the way he made his fortune. He's had to fight government rules, regulations, taxes and interference his whole life. Trump is trying to turn this around. He needs to control the narrative before he can make his plans work. He KNOWS you can't turn around the "Ship of State" without time. He NEEDS Congress to back him.

But this brings up the question (as you so aptly note). So what's goin' on? Why are things still running as they did under the last several presidents (since Bush Sr. who proclaimed "The New World Order" was the defacto plan?)

I would suggest a "Deep State" government OUTSIDE the control of the President (especially this one who's its avowed enemy) is NOT a so-called "conspiracy theory." It is real, and it has grown over the decades with government hires who sympathize with its agenda, and are now so highly placed in all government agencies - with protection that they can't be dismissed - and these people are continuing to disseminate manipulated and nonfactual information as they always have.

The "Capitol City" swamp is deeper than most people realize. They are fighting Trump with all the lies at their disposal using their "Troika" ("a group of three; especially : an administrative or ruling body of three"): The Alphabet Intelligence Agencies, the Federal Reserve, and the MSM, to discredit Trump at every turn - INCLUDING crashing the economy or starting a major war if they believe this will salvage their advantage.

I don't find this "flash crash" in the precious metals markets inconsequential, especially with Trump meeting Putin today and working to AVOID war - a war which is exactly what the Banking cartel/NWO wants.

I wonder how much silver the kingpin (jp morgan) bought yesterday. I bet the number would amaze you. Thanks for read my friend. Excellant article.

Thanks for following. ~ Yeah, there seems to be a pattern here. Crush real assets to keep the sheep from saving; then BUY all those same assets cheap - and wait for them (us) to go broke. They're trying to keep this "consumer economy" going as long as possible - until it collapses and they pick up the pieces.

I ain't buyin' into the deception. I don't NEED more "stuff" made to break from overseas. I'll play the same game they do, and (hopefully) retain enough to stay free. Prepping for the worst seems only prudent now.

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