Will the corrupt house of cards ever fall?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Hey Steemies!

As I continue this journey called life, the more I feel like I'm living in a zombie apocalypse. Everyone's eyes locked onto their smart phones, computers, games, TV and whatever other nonsense method of distraction tactics being used against us. We have the greatest wealth of information at our fingertips at anytime we want yet time is squandered in the worst of ways, minds being wasted to nothing, believing in the insanity pushed upon us and looking for the next dank meme or throw insults at anyone who makes sense. The more evidence presented to them on the war against our minds, the more they reject the idea using the most absurd arguments. I have been sitting here for hours thinking of what to say on the subject but honestly, I'm at a loss for words. I can't say I have had this severe case of writer's block before. So many things I want to say yet not sure what to say all at the same time. Most of the interactions outside of my home are increasingly difficult as the insanity deepens. Have people lost their ability to think critically?


Big things are happening across the world behind the scenes and in plain sight all at the same time yet the majority seems ignorant to it perpetuating the narrative like the robot minds they have become, perhaps that was the plan all along. The more time I am forced to be without work, the more they take hard working Albertan to the cleaners, the more time I have on my hands to do some reading and research and look for ways to break free from the tyranny we have been living under... The globalist...the un-elites. Rule #1 , never give an over-thinker too much time to think and analyze things, that's playing a dangerous game. I suppose so am I but honestly if I go for spreading the truth, then it was a worthy cause. In the #steemsilvergold community, we have been preparing for this much needed financial revolution but we represent a small percentage of the population. These days, I have been combing thru court cases and the sealed indictments as the become unsealed, declassified documents, court transcripts and the writing is on the wall, the time we have been waiting for is so so near, I can taste it. The sweet taste of victory will be ours soon, the house of cards is on shaky ground and the earthquake is near. For at least a decade, the world's economy has been held together with scotch tape.

Any Canadian steemians see the new liberal fake promises and budget that balances itself?? Will it be enough to save sock puppet's bacon and his band of cronies from being ousted at the next election? I hope not!


What brought on this train derailment I call my thoughts? I was having a conversation with folks I like and trying to educate them on how to protect themselves for the upcoming events, like the importance of having precious metals on hand and educate them what real money was and a light synopsis of what has been going on. It sounded so far fetched to them yet the evidence is there. They proceeded to tell me that I was wrong and a dead senator was running for the 2020 presidency and proceeded to argue with me until I made them google it. Another point brought up was that the grass that grows outside has more value than precious metals...XRP also had more value than precious metals...What?? Have they been keeping up with markets at all? Can anyone point towards the direction of a grass exchange so I can find out it's value? I had to walk away because in no way could this end well and I don't want to fight about it. Convincing an entire generation that numbers on a screen and paper has value is one thing but grass now more valuable than gold? Well played un-elites... well played, You must be proud of yourselves but your days are numbered. As soon as I got home I got on my social media and coincidentally , the first thing I saw was the link posted below. It's long but it's very informational break down of the banking system, worth the read. Spread the word, this world is in dire need of re-education...since we are on the topic, anyone notice the run-away train called palladium? is this a preview?


Cheers my friends! X🐞X


If all you see are people zombie-ing on their phones, it might have more to do with where you are looking... There's plenty of real people living an active life out there!

The last year for me has been a big change. I used to feel like you describe, but now I found a community that is really wonderful here in Raleigh NC. Hopefully you can find something for you too

I just do my own thing now for the most part and I go hiking a lot. It's just an observation. The zombie isn't being on technology, it's a reference to the type of information they view on technology and the lack of ability to look for real and educational information when there are so much of it readily available, active ppl can be just as much a zombie in the mind.

Right I'm saying that my crew is neither physical nor mental zombies, just good people who pay attention. they're out there

Well that's comforting to know they are out there!

More Fiscal Indebtedness insanity!
Bought another 8 oz of Silver today.

Good for you!! Get it whil it's still cheap, protect your savings for when the value of our dollar plunges more.I wish I could buy more too but, rent food comes first at this point, Alberta is really struggling and the cost of living has increased since all of this started. It's grim but I know it's being done purposely too. It is what it is. I saw it coming and got as much as I could while I could.

And $92 CAD of the purchase came from Pop and Beer cans I collected over the last three months generously donated by my neighbors that are too fixed on their phones to bother returning them for a refund and piled into their recycling boxes, first come first served.

Well that's a good way to get extra stacking $$, turning trash into cash!! Well done :)

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