No precious metals price fixing here!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Hey SSG!

I feel bad that I haven't really been posting much in the community tag lately, reality is, things are still pretty fucked up here and work is still pretty scarce. @silvergingerman and I haven't worked since October of last year so we are not able to buy our precious metals and investments keep fleeing the province like we are the plague thanks to our scandalous Saudi oil supporter Trudeau...8 more months we can ditch that fucker, hopefully Canada comes to their senses at election time and send his corrupt ass in jail. While we watch our industry getting decimated, we also see his "charitable foundation" grown to half a billion $$ and his bribery scandals that somehow are not a mater of police investigation and are perfectly acceptable according to his other liberal members. In the meantime, we have been relying on our cash savings, they are pretty much depleted by now, good thing we learned to pinch pennies and save ahead of time, it really kept us surviving. Funny looking back, I was preaching having 6 months worth of living expenses as savings in the event of a local financial catastrophe, how long as it been? 6 months exactly! as extreme as it may have sounded to some of you now you have it, not that extreme after all and a very real scenario in the developed world.

Image taken with Nikon D7000 and Nikkor 40mm lens

Image ripped of Facebook before it becomes censored like
everything else JT doesn't like floating around social media.

To be honest, I was preparing for the worse but hoping for the best...well I guess we got the worse but the good news, we were prepared. While we continue to watch Alberta spiral out of control and the foreclosures and the bankruptcies, I'm especially glad I practice what I preach because it really bailed my ass. One thing tho, I don't care how broke I am, I REFUSE TO SELL PART OF MY PRECIOUS METAL STASH. I stopped stressing, caring or worrying about it because it doesn't change the situation, it's just extra worry and stress for nothing. I have taken this down time as an opportunity to do some digging in various "tin foil hat" type stuff. My new best friend is the DOJ website...I know, you can say it....NERD...lmfao.

My reason for this , there is a lot happening in the USA and around the world behind closed doors & goes unreported but I promise you big stories are coming! We live in an interesting time in politics. Corruption is slowly getting weeded out one by one. There are an unusual amount of sealed indictments and my eyes have been glued to it as they become unsealed and some real bad guys are going where they belong one by one. From billions in bribes among Venezuelan officials flowing to the US all the way to medical and tax fraud not forgetting big corrupt politicians. Are we entering a time where the integrity and legitimacy of our elected government officials will be restored? Can the corruption really be squashed? I know it's hard to believe but I can see justice and the arm of the law finally prevailing right before my eyes. As vile as some actions I uncover might be, I feel comforted in knowing that the right thing is being done to put these people away.

I see countless attacks on Mr. Trump in the US and how he's such a bad man and disgusting but is he really? Because from my view, he's shutting down pedophilia and human trafficking rings, he's getting justice for the elderly that were defrauded, getting tax evasion offshore stashes back into the US , whom it was robbed from in the first place. Arresting spies giving information to the enemies, putting massive drug dealers in jail and upgrading border security, trying to fight against infanticide that the democrats got legalized in some states like Virginia with the late term abortion abomination, all of this is just scratching the surface in the things he has been doing . I see many calling him a liar but all of his "lies" can be backed up with unsealed indictments available on the DOJ database. What a badman right?!? Where have the morals gone, when the common theme or argument for him being bad is because the ppl feel cheated they got a few hundred dollars less on their tax return and he refuses to make his own public. Really? I am left scratching my head as to where the morality of this world has gone. Are we in the great "biblical battle" foretold for centuries? The battle between good and evil? are we in the fight for humanity's soul?

Whether you believe in religion or not, can we agree that not all of it is bad? Can we agree to be nicer to each other? Treat others with dignity? Give a voice to the voiceless instead of looking the other way? Uplifting one an other instead of tearing each other to shreds? Humanity is in dire need of a great societal changes and that is each our responsibility as human beings. I grew up Catholic and , trust me I know how vile some of their representatives has been. I no longer practice but one thing I pulled out of my religious experience is no matter what Jesus embodied all the qualities this world needs. I always asked myself before every action or reaction, what would Jesus do? I know by asking myself that constantly, I couldn't go wrong with my actions or cause undo harm to other beings. They say he died on the cross for our sins...perhaps it was for us to always remember his example and to be kind to one another?

During my journey down the DOJ rabbit hole, I found an interesting summery that will please all of us stackers that you should check out, dry and boring but fuckers are going to jail for price fixing of precious metals...turns out the conspiracy is true For all those times I was told there is no collusion and to take off my "tin foil hat" and quit following fake news but are they really crazy theories when there is proof in public government files? Is the DOJ fake news? I have to shake my head at people sometimes and just walk away, it makes my brain hurt how the stupidity is running rampant. Frankly in this information age, ignorance is a choice.

I'm not sure how many of you are tired of fake news and would like real news, but I would be open to reporting on some of my findings on court cases and corruption being broken down if that would be something of interest but that is up to you to let me know because it's a lot of work to research and link to credible information if nobody cares. If you have suggestions I will gladly research but I will only report on theories that can be backed by real information. We are in dire need of real news and transparency. END THE CORRUPTION. Do your part no matter how small it may seem to you every bit counts. Together we can achieve great things and MAKE THIS WORLD GREAT AGAIN (or maybe for the first time who knows) The internet is the greatest tool ever given to mankind if used in a productive manner.


We all hate Trudeau. You're not alone in that. I'm fairly sure this is becoming universal, even amongst those who originally voted for him.

I hope you are right!! He sickens me and I'm generally a liberal when there is a properly educated candidate , not at the moment tho...clearly!!

I am not very well informed about the politics in your country but I am surprise about what you wrote.

Posted using Partiko Android

Funny how Canada is seen as one of the fairest countries in the world, the corruption runs deep and extremely hard to expose but it is one of the most financially corrupt in the world on publicly funded government projects across the globe.

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I feel for your disgust of the Establishment and their insidious Globalist agenda. I don't know how much money it takes for Trudeau to sleep nights knowing he's screwing the honest citizens of Canada but it must be a lot to pretend that nothing is really wrong with what he is doing. It's much the same when Obama and the Presidents that preceded him are part of that agenda. Trump is not perfect but has done more for the US citizen than the last 5 presidents put together. Most all Western leaders seemed entirely corrupted by the same out of touch socialist elitism that will spell the death of freedom in the world.

I agree Trump has done more good for the US than bad, I don't agree with everything but when I think he's bonkers I find information that makes me understand his actions. I hate how everyone disrespects him so much, like media cutting off a public address after 5 minutes of an hour speech and move to regular programming or how democrats blocked fox from hosting the latest one, like the president or not that's just plain rude and he is still the president, in any other country these ppl would be thrown in jail immediately. The globalist are definitely scrambling at trying to stop his agenda but the storm is coming whether they like it or not. It's hard to be patient tho.

Trudeau, well don't even get me started, every dog has it's day and he's really dirty and that's ready to burst. On a different note he fights for 9000 jobs in Quebec to the point of attempting to obstruct justice but shits on 130 000 to 150 000 jobs loss in Alberta when the rest of Eastern Canada puts Saudi oil in their tanks . With all the money sent to the middle East in "charitable causes" and his charity filling up in middle eastern donations, we definitely know where he pledges his allegiance and that is not Canada. He is literally robbing Canadians in his barely legal money laundering scheme. Don't worry, it will be good, I just can't say to much at the moment C-59 (5-e)makes it nearly impossible to expose corruption as a citizen but wait for it. SNC Lavalin scandal is nothing. I will cover that when I can.

“ Little trust fund boy” will be gone in Oct... thank goodness!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I hope you are right!!

Don't worry. Trudeau will soon be ejected from his chair...

Ejected strait to his warm cozy new home in Cuba 😁 😁

It really is pretty amazing when old conspiracy theories turn out to be true years later.

"Frankly in this information age, ignorance is a choice."

What a great line. Might use it myself.

Haha it's all yours, go ahead and steal it! Yes it's amazing when you finally get conformation of something you have known for a while and it's even better to see them go to jail for their bad deeds especially when it seems like everybody is looking the other way at the bad actors.

Yes, I'm not sure when it became acceptable for politicians and bankers to commit fraud and escape jail but it's been happening a lot lately.

It became acceptable during the Albert Pike times...322...Not no more!! lol, I saw many cases recently where the crooks had to pay restitution to the ones they hurt, that's across the world too, not just USA. Someone is doing the right thing, it just takes time and it isn't all that advertised at the moment especially big politicians but a few got what they deserved already if you paid close attention. It's like one big show right now for those who know what to look for...get your popcorn ready! White squall is comming!

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