Pirate Queen Ching Shih and the Raven’s Skull: Part Eight

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)


Pirate Show and Tell: More Mutiny Metals!


The 1 oz troy Fine Silver Mutiny Metals Pirate Captain another unique design by Mr. Bailey.

But thinking just a bit more I would think the Pirate captain has enough to do than actually Steer the ship. Unless it was necessary, the important role is usually relegated to the firm hand of a practiced Steersman or Helmsman that understands the Navigational terms, a good grip on the wheel, know feel of the ship, read a compass, and an alert soul as part of the job. Yet I could argue that a different Bar can represent each vital role of the ship, would that be so Mr. Bailey? A great Captain is better with a fine crew!


Another lovely Pirate bar to add to the my Treasure Collection!

Mutiny Metals bullion products are inspired by Pirates, made in Idaho USA.
Mutiny Metals on Instagram

Each bar hand poured/stamped, made of .999 fine silver bullion. Pick Badassery! Be a Pirate ☠️☠️☠️ Or, you know, choose boring and never be invited to badass pirate parties..........Have you joined the Mutiny?

Pirate Queen Ching Shih and the Raven’s Skull: Part Eight


The Storm Crow finally glides into the canal so far lightly opposed. Still the sight of any Western ship alarmed the Chinese peasant folk at first but more or less they followed the ship to an open moorage. The soldiers were another matter, took exception and fired their stout yet imprecise mortars and cannon. Despite a lucky round puncturing a sail, in the demonstration of restraint the Storm Crow finally gained an audience with the officer of the Capital's Guard to convey their important message to the Emperor.
The Officer's temperament was naturally suspicious and wearing a mask did not alleviate any feelings of mistrust. His detail was likely his best men and just as willing to execute their orders at the first sight of trouble.


Flint nudged the Raven, “I think you better take the mask off.”
“I think you’re right Flint.” She removes the mask, “I hope there isn’t a fight.”
“You damn better know what you’re doing. I think those Shield people really pissed them off!”
Silver lifted the sack, “Then what is this for?”
She whispered, “Hopefully our ticket in.”


“Here goes.” Flint took a deep breath before facing the General. Taking the lead role was necessary as women were relegated to often secondary ones. The Raven positioned herself at Flint's right side a few steps behind.
Flint, Silver and the Raven clasped their hands and bowed before General Xoa. Without the General returning the bow he carefully looked over the three foreigners, first Flint, Silver, and finally the Raven.
“Chǒu lòu de xī fāng nǚ rén.” He quietly muttered in Chinese, "Ugly Western woman."
He took a position between his lieutenants and performed a slight bow. Flint kept his peace until spoken to. It was how things were expected.
The General appeared to be waiting as his troops kept a steady eye on the contingent of the Storm Crow's crew lined abreast formation at dockside.
The ornate officer looked down on Flint speaking in Chinese not expecting Flint to understand. He turned to grin with his lieutenants in a mocking sense.
The Raven saw the opportunity to break the tension and fish for some real information. "General Xoa said that we 'dumb westerners are required to wait for the Foreign minister.'"
Flint went with her cue, "Tell the General we 'Dumb Westerners request an audience with the Emperor.'"
The General watched the dark woman nod to the Captains words before turning to the General. “She understands Chinese?”
With her hands clasped the Raven stepped forward made the slightest bow to the General, "I am Captain Flint's translator, my Captain asks, “Wǒ men zhè xiē yǎ ba xī fāng rén yāo qiú yǔ kuí yīn huáng dì jiàn miàn.” 'How long shall we dumb Westerners wait to see Emperor Qianlong on an important matter?"


The trio accompanied by their escort traversed the expansive hall before the Imperial throne. The royal guard appeared to number two hundred strong gathered along with dozens of advisors, scribes and concubine in audience.
The palace Captain held his palm forward, "Please keep your distance."

Emperor Qianlong is a young aged man and not as old as expected. Resplendent in his golden silk robes he was guardedly cautious of his body language not giving any hint of what he considered as Pirate scum. Or worse foreign pirate scum.
"You're Highness." The three pirates bowed in unison.
"We received your message from General Xoa." A man stood between the Emperor and themselves, "I am the Foreign minister Zua Tsu Cho, I presume you are this Raven."
"My sincere apologies for our deception to General Xoa in considering our differences in our customs." She stepped forward ahead of Flint, "May I introduce my hired Captain Flint...and his quarter Master John Silver. I am the ship's Master and owner of the Storm Crow."
His eyes arched in suspicion, "According to my sources your vessel is a pirate ship, already another ship awaits you, identified as the infamous Golden Lion, if you are on the behest of a Western nation we wish to see a letter of Marque to justify any further dialog."
"The Storm Crow is independent of any nation." Replied the Raven. "However my interest is based on the needs of the people of Quon Lu if his Highness wish to peacefully annex the city back into the Empire." Her eyes scanned the faces of the audience. "With as little blood she'd as possible if I can assist."
The Minister sneered, "We cannot trust pirates let alone deceitful western ones even less! How can we trust anything you say especially with the Golden Lion in league with you!"
John opened the sack and laid the head of Captain Poa before the throne.
The throng of Advisors and attendees moved forward to study the head.
A few naval officers stepped forward and confirms the head belonging to Captain Poa.
"As you see the Golden Lion is now under my control."
"You defeated the infamous Captain Poa?" The young emperor stood in excitement, "but he is almost invincible, even many of our naval captains hesitate to engage his ship and yet you bring us his head and ship intact, a marvelous swordsman you must be." The Emperor motions his minister aside. "And this important matter, how does it concern the Pirate city of Quon Lu's return?"
The Palace Captain protested as the Emperor approached too close. The Captain's hand upon his sword and glared at the pirates.
"I am and I need not prove this to your fine men your highness." Said the Raven.
"You are certainly one with many surprises." The Emperor grinned, "It was a condition my advisors made so I could meet with you in person." Replied the Emperor, "You speak Chinese well with almost the accent from the Western regions."
"I assure your highness I do bring news that is Quon Lu will return to the Empire but you must dislodge it's corrupt leadership."


"To meet with a Pirate as well as a person who is more than mere human. Talk among my scholars think you as the reincarnation of General Cold Moon of the Western deserts and played a significant role in seeing my ancestors to power. Many warriors would had followed her but she was spirited away by a heavenly figure to another teacher."

The name brought back memories. It was then the Angelic Silver Diva determined her path east. She hated the desert and it's unrelenting sun so she volunteered to join the night scout squads that was often a death sentence. Her small force of left-overs, malcontents and problematic soldiers grew and became renowned as the Ghost Tigers, with Hit and Run tactics even defeating an enemy army before her senior officers engaged the following day only to find their camps empty and the enemy having already fled.
With a distant look she turned to the Emperor, " Wǒ shì lěng yuè.” “I am Cold Moon."
The Head Scholar paled and stepped forward, "Impossible, that was more than a hundred and fifty years ago."
The Scholar's Aide steps forward from the gallery bows to the Emperor before addressing the Raven, "It was written in the scrolls of Wu Xiu Tan that she bore a special scar. Show us." He did not elaborate, he didn't have to.
She removed her left glove and revealed the brand on her hand.


"Great Buddha!"
The Emperor's advisors we're shocked at the revelation and began to check their old scrolls again. One young scholar approached the Emperor and opened the scroll, “Only the few within her circle and the writer knew of this mark.”
The Emperor nodded and exclaimed, "My ancestors trusted your judgement in the past. I will trust your word as true." With his hand gesture the Palace Captain and royal guard relaxed their stance. "What would be your wish General Cold Moon?"
The Raven bows again, "What guarantee will you give to spare the people of Quon Lu?"

1, My own photos/pictures
2. Capt Flint and John Silver from Black Sails 20016
3. Peng Lin as Cold Moon from Dragon Blade 2015
W Wiki Commons
R Clip art vectors from 123RF
C. Free clipart from Openclipart

Previous Episodes

Pirate Queen Ching Shih and the Raven’s Skull: Part One

Pirate Queen Ching Shih and the Raven’s Skull: Part Two

Pirate Queen Ching Shih and the Raven’s Skull: Part Three

Pirate Queen Ching Shih and the Raven’s Skull: Part Four

Pirate Queen Ching Shih and the Raven’s Skull: Part Five

Pirate Queen Ching Shih and the Raven’s Skull: Part Six

Pirate Queen Ching Shih and the Raven’s Skull: Part Seven

Pirate Queen Ching Shih and the Raven’s Skull: Part Eight

“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”


yarrr so good , resteeming for awesomeness

Hey Thanks @battleaxe for the Resteem!
The entire story has been awesomely long too. Maybe getting long in the tooth as I chronicle this Vampire's cursed Immortal human's 600 year personal war against a Faceless organization that persists to this day through political intrigue, power plays and subterfuge until they control the World! Arrrh!

hehehe...Chǒu lòu de xī fāng nǚ rén... let us hope no one calls us that, LOL! What do you call the brand tattoed on her left hand? Dang... what does the brand mean?

Remember the Video "The Heart of Ezio"?

from the Assassin's Initiation Ceremony to be an Assassin 200 years prior.

I thought so... but when did she get the skull and cross swords on top of it. Was that when she started drinking blood and became immortal? Hehehe... sometimes, while I am at work, I have all your stories in my head, sis @kerrislravenhill!

There, fixed the issue, I can now go hit the sack.

You are amazing!!!!

Details , details, details. It's a bit difficult to think that far ahead of the entire expanse of the main story. Let's say she 'Penciled in" the extra bit for now. I may have to compile Compendium to keep track of things.

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@kerrislravenhill I Commend You. It Takes much Thought and imagination to be Able to Write a Story that keeps the Readers like me in Suspense........

#PirateSunday is Grateful once again for Another Wonderful Piece of the Pirate Life................

Thanks @stokjockey, It's sort of a dream to write a long playing fictional Epic spanning 600 years, same person, different names, different eras, saving the world from Cursed Silver! And to foil the plans of 'The Powers That Be' who want to control the world with it!

Excellent post as usual Kerris.👍

And thanks for dropping by to comment!

Hello @kerrislravenhill, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

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