“Silver Cycles" Strategy of Buying, Selling and Holding Silver – 28AP20 – ‘Captain’s Chartwork!’

in #steemsilvergold4 years ago (edited)


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"Loch a stoaner kick in th' clams, th' Fesh-Yak plague has turned th' silvers markit upside doon! Hoo sae? Lit me tells ye...

In aw mah years of chartin', buyin', holdin' an' sellin' silvers, Ahh hav ne'er seen anythin' likes thes! It's as if Ahh went tae scratcher one night an' th' next morn Ahh wakes up an' finds myself a Frank ur a Poruguesian! Fock th' days! That's hoo upside-doon th' markit is reit noo! Whit dae Ahh means by aw thes? Lit me explain...

We's in a Buy Cycle aw reit, sure as th' day is bright. But... there's naethin' tae buys! An' if thaur is a wee spot of silvers anywheres, th' margin is oot of th' realm of reasonabilities! Fulminate of mercuries!

Sae wi' naethin' tae buys, an' margins oot of thes warld, whit dae we havs? A sellers markit! Whit ye say?! Aye, th' Buy Cycle is really a Sell Cycle an' Ahh'm wearin' me bloomers ootwith of mah keks!

Buy if ye kin...an' if nae, Sell fur a grand profit an' sae forth!" 😤 -Keptin

Trend Lines: Sooth 4:0

Lest times:
"At th' gate of patience thaur is nae crowdin'!"


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Disclaimer: "Ahh'm nae a precious metals advisor, nor do Ahh wants ta be. Ahh'm jist a dedicated silvers stacker in search of hodden silver an' adventure! Any attempt ta paint me otherwise will likely get you rin-through!" - Keptin Joshua Slane

*"Honor the patterns and move against the trend lines!
Patience, self-discipline and tenacity wins the long game!"


"Buy Cycle?" About time.

"Guid luck with 'att Lass!" 😄 -Keptin

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