“Silver Cycles" Strategy of Buying, Selling and Holding Silver– 05MR20 – ‘Captain’s Chartwork!’

in #steemsilvergold5 years ago (edited)


"Sixteen sailors fur roll caa...? Nae enaw tae rin a thirty-six gin frigate mates. Och weel, let's tak' a swatch at th' silvers markit an' sae forth..." 🙄 -Keptin

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1:28 pm
Hold Cycle

"Weel noo, whit dae we havs haur, hmmm, diddle dattle...hmm...piffle faddle...Alrighty 'en! Mah chartwork is showin' me a rosy picture lads! A braw win' is takin' th' spot price of silvers north loch a soarin' sail-fish! Wa in jist tois days it's taken 'er a mile an' a half north of th' 200 day Runnin' Average! Braw sailin' 'att is! But th' 10 day is still fallin' loch a rock! Will we havs anither 'Cross' tomorraw?! Mebbe...

An' whit ur th' other trend lines tellin' us mates? Th' Hold pattern is gettin' mair organized noo. Th' 200 day is risin' steadily, (no surprise thaur), an' th' 50 day is flat linin'. That's a nit positiff! Ahh think tha' moorns nicht will be anither guid day fur silvers!" 😉 -Keptin



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"Heelain Sassenach is easy tae learn mates! Pay attention annatt!"

Vocab for 'lain-lovers':

braw (fine)
dae (do)
guid (good)
haur (here)
heelain (highland)
hodden (cheap, common)
loch (like)
mair (more)
nae (no)
noo (now)
rin (run)
swatch (look)
tha' moorns nicht (tomorrow)
thaur (there)
tois (two)
weel (well)
whit (what)

Disclaimer: "Ahh'm nae a precious metals advisor, nor do Ahh wants ta be. Ahh'm jist a dedicated silvers stacker in search of hodden silver an' adventure! Any attempt ta paint me otherwise will likely get you rin-through!" - Keptin Joshua Slane

"Honor the patterns and move against the trend lines!
Patience, self-discipline and tenacity wins the long game!"


Crazy times in the markets lately, including silver.

Maintainin' coorse an' headin' Keptin.

Posted via Steemleo

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