“Silver Adventures”- Captain Joshua Slane –31SE19 - ‘Get him over the rail and into the sea!’



⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵...(Toor ay ???)...

[Last time...]

“Good! Noow pulls oot th’ pole an’ ties a rope aroond hee’s mouth! Make sure ‘att rag stays put!”

The Captain and Galligan watched with a careful eye as the men finished the job and left the demon lying on the brig floor, his hands and feet tied and his mouth securely gagged.

. . . . . . . . . . .

[Deep in the hull of the Silverton…]
Warrant Officer Surgeon Hack oversaw the moving of the body out of the brig and on on up the stairs of the galley.

Meanwhile, the Captain stood in front of the second cell and gazed in at the two frightened young Foreign Legion soldiers. Next to him stood Lieutenant Andofzara, Acting Lieutenant Ickied and Warrant Officer Errislravenhill.

“Head butted them did ya Keptin?” Andofzara asked as he folded his arms and gave a hard eye to the Frenchmen.
“Nae yit. But if Ahh git anymair shenanigans doon here Ahh might consider 'att!" he said as he glanced over at Hack, “What's th' chances ay these two havin' th' Shetani in them already?"

Hack lit a match on the sole of his shoe and then lit-up a rolled cigarette, taking a long drag before answering...
“They'd be showin' symptoms of it by noow. Ahh’d say it's a safe bet ta say their Commander was th' only one infected."
“Hmmmm….” The Captain grunted as he turned to Andofzara, “Make sure these Franks ur locked up tight an' meet me up oan the main deck. 'Att goes fur aw three of ye."
“Aye Sairrr.” “Aye, aye Sairrr.” “Aye.”

[Up on the main deck…]

Hack stood over the writhing, gurgling body of the Caporal Chief as he wiggled a piece of tobacco out from between his front teeth and spit on the deck.
“Tie-up four planks on two barrels. Rope heem doon on top of it!" He instructed as Seaman Ccelerator and Forucom ran off to get the items.
“Didnae like th' haircut huh?" Errislravenhill said as she looked down at the demon.
“It's nae likely th' Frenchman is aware of anything at thes point!" Hack said as he took another drag on his fag, "Once he's tied doon on th' barrel raft, let's git heem over th' side as quick as possible!"
“Aye Sairrr, no mind'in keepin it simple!" Errislravenhill said as she went for some rope.
The Captain came up from the galley stairs just in time to see Ickied, Ccelerator and Forucom tie up the prisoner’s feet to the barrel raft.

“Looks like fillet of Frenchman ready fur th' grill!" He said without smiling, “Poor bastard. What will become of him?”

Hack looked down at the wiggling, squirming man on the barrel raft…

“Oh, th' Shetani will git pure bored wi' heem bobbin' an' rollin' in th' middle of th' brine an' probably will leave heem fur th' first shark 'att comes by!”
“It woulds have bin better fur heem ta have stood before th' Royal Navy coort.” The Captain surmised as he turned to Ickied, “Get him over th’ rail an’ into the sea!”
“Aye Sairrr!”

⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵


"Th' bloody Mirk Wave was strong tadays! Smashin' th' price of silvers doon fifty-fife coppers! Th' Hold Cycle is in full control noow mates. Break oot th' dominoes an' th' grog an' forgit aboot it!" 😆 -Keptin


Toor suggestions so far:

Kragerø, Norway
Djibouti, Africars

"Two toor sugestions? Blye me, thes is like barking at a deef cow! Test not yoor Keptin!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Confused? Ascared? Seasick? Need a private chat with the Captain?" - [email protected]


Pictures from: www.freeimages.com, www.pexels.com, pixabay.com, steemit.com an’ www.google.com/maps. Data loosely interpretted froms: Wikipedia, an' sometimes finely crafted reit from th' author's extensiff personal experience an' such.


"Doon 55 Coppers? I still nae sellin me Silvers."

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