“Silver Adventures”- Captain Joshua Slane –26SE19 - ‘Now men! Now!’



⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵...(Toor ay ???)...

[Last time...]

The Captain glanced at hack with a raised eyebrow…
“Ahh hopes ta hell ye knows what yoo're doin' man…"
Hack coughed on the arm of his shirt sleeve and then turned back to the Captain with sparkling grey-blue eyes, “Have Ahh ever let ye doon Joshua?”

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Deep in the hull of the Silverton…]

Warrant Officer Ollingthunder and Petty Officer Avedickeyyall came running down the galley stairs heavily laden with a ten foot pole, a rag, a pail of vinegar and a large coil of rope. Behind them followed Warrant Officers Bnfl4sun, Enstless and Hesilverdoll.
“Keep yer distance! Noow dunk 'att rag in th' vinegar an' wraps it aroond th' end of 'att pole!" Warrant Officer Surgeon ordered.

Avedickeyyall carefully followed the instructions…
“Noo hands me 'att pole. When Commander Galligan here opens 'att brig door, ye bide until Ahh harpoon this Shetani! Th' moment he quits belchin' black vapor an' venomoos yellings, ye rush th' cell an' hog tie heem!" Hack instructed.
“Aye!” “Aye Sairrr!” “Aye, aye!”

Hack checked the rag to make sure it was tight and then held the long pole with two strong hands. Glancing at Galligan, he gave the nod. The brig door was quickly unlocked and swung open wide! Inside, the Caporal Chief’s body, now not his own, squirmed and gurgled even louder as another cloud of black, dusty vapor burst out of his mouth!
It was then that Hack sprang forward, lunging low and fast, he thrust the vinegar-soaked rag squarely into the demon’s wide open mouth!

“Aaaauuugggghhhh-OOooooooooh!” It screamed as it fell back against the cell wall, it’s mouth sealed and it’s body convulsing on the straw bunk.

“Noow men! Noow!” Hack yelled as he held the pole tight and pushed forward.

The three officers dashed in and ducking low under the black cloud, grabbed the demon’s feet and yanked him off the bunk! With the skill of many years of sailing, they quickly tied his hands and feet and then turned back to Hack with wide, fearful eyes.

“Good! Noow pulls oot th’ pole an’ ties a rope aroond hee’s mouth! Make sure ‘att rag stays put!”

The Captain and Galligan watched with a careful eye as the men finished the job and left the demon lying on the brig floor, his hands and feet tied and his mouth securely gagged.

"Braw job mate!" The Captain said as he took out his pipe and lit it.

⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵
"Shetani (the word is both singular an' plural in Sassenach, th' plural in Swahili is Mashetani) ur spirits of Eest Africars mythology an' a' popular belief. Mostly malevolent, an' foond in mony different forms an' different types wi' different powers, Shetani ur a popular subject of carved artwork, especially by th' Makonde fowk of Tanzaniar, Mozambiqar, an' Kenyar. Physically, Shetani of varioos types appear as distorted human an' beastie figures. There is a contemporary Eest Africar Shetani cult, an' reports of sightings of individual Shetani ur cyclical, wi' Popo bawa panics havin' occurred in Zanzibar in 1707 in Dar es Salaam." 😮 -Keptin


Toor suggestions so far:

Kragerø, Norway
Djibouti, Africars

"Two toor sugestions isnae nearly enough ta hav a vote! An' remembers, there's no place in th' whole wide warld 'att we cannot go! Test not yoor Keptin!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Confused? Ascared? Seasick? Need a private chat with the Captain?" - [email protected]


Pictures from: www.freeimages.com, www.pexels.com, pixabay.com, steemit.com an’ www.google.com/maps. Data loosely interpretted froms: Wikipedia, an' sometimes finely crafted reit from th' author's extensiff personal experience an' such.

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