“Silver Adventures”- Captain Joshua Slane –21JA20- ‘Pull back! Pull back men!’

in #steemsilvergold5 years ago (edited)




⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵...(Tour of "High Island")...

[Last time...]

“Something's gain amiss! Git a crew oan th' baw gin! Haves them stain ready!"
“Aye Sairrr!” Galligan replied as he ran down the bridge stairs to the main deck.

“Junior Petty Officer - Quartermaster's Mate Bnfl4sun, Seaman- Gunsmith Enstless an’ Seaman- Ordinary Seaman Nitech, man-up th' nine poonder oan th' baw an' stain ready!"

“Aye Sairrr!” “Aye, aye!” “Aye!”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[On the shore of belle Island...]

Junior Petty Officer - Carpenter's Mate Ickied levelled his musket as best he could on a rock and took aim at the closest attacker!
The ball struck the Indian square in the chest and spun him around before he fell! The other attackers stopped dead in they’re tracks and dashed back to the cover of the cedar trees!

“Pull back! Pull back men!" Ickied yelled as he quickly got to his feet and ran for the boats while holding his side.

“Ickied Sairrr! Yer hurt!” Junior Petty Officer - Carpenter's Mate Errislravenhill said as she ran along side of him.
“Nevermin' 'att! git tae th' boats! Git tae th' boats!"

The crew quickly untied the mooring lines to the longboats and jumped in while the last man shoved them off.

“Aw oars up an' in!" Ickied shouted as he watched the cedar grove over his shoulder.
The crew pulled furiously at their oars, pushing the longboats out ten feet with every stroke! At about fifty feet out, the first few Indians re-emerged from the cedar trees and another volley of arrows was in the air!
“Watch yoorselves! Heids doon!" Ickied yelled as he held the rudder firm.

This time luck was with them as many of the arrows fell just short in the waves of the sea while two struck the sides of their longboats and one buried itself in the shaft of Junior Petty Officer - Quartermaster's Mate Ishyculture’s oar!

“Pull men! Pull fur yer lives!" Ickied yelled out again.
By the time the Indians had reorganized themselves and ran down to the shoreline, the two long boats were a hundred and fifty yards out and pulling fast for the Silverton! A few more stray arrows fell short into the sea and then... it was over.

“Bludy heel! ‘It’s a friendly Indian tribe' the Keptin said…” Ickied cursed as he held his side with one hand and the rudder with the other, “Who’s hurt in yer boat?!”

“Junior Petty Officer - Quartermaster's Mate Ollingthunder caught one in hee’s leg, but hee’s alright!” Junior Petty Officer - Quartermaster's Mate Andofzara yelled back.

“Thenk Gawd!” Errislravenhill said to herself, “Puir Tc4breackfast! He ne'er saw it comin'!”
“They must hav seen th' ship..." Ickied replied solemnly as he gazed out at the Silverton a half mile further out.

[On Zanzibar Island…]


The Jinn walked on along the ocean trail with Amal’s brother Saleem. At just a half mile outside of the French fort of Nungwi, he paused and surveilled the area. Small huts scattered around the clearing ahead and further he could see the walls of the fort and the French flag flying above it. The Jinn quickly removed all of his heavy gold necklaces and handed them to Saleem.
“Keep these safe, and stay out of sight until I call for you.” He said as he handed the heavy pile of gold chain and medallions to him.
“But Lord, I am afraid to hold your wealth!” Saleem said humbly.
“It is not wealth if we cannot obtain the guns we need my friend. Do not fear. I will call for you shortly.” He reassured as he turned and headed towards the clearing.

⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵

Vocab fur lainlubbers:

heids (heads)
puir (poor)
tae (to)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Confused? Ascared? Seasick? Need a private chat with the Captain?" - [email protected]

References: Pictures from: www.freeimages.com, www.pexels.com, pixabay.com, steemit.com an’ www.google.com/maps. Data loosely interpretted froms: Wikipedia, an' sometimes finely crafted reit from th' author's extensiff personal experience an' such.


Now our captives will think they escaped , and won’t know that our intent was to free them...


"Heids-up cheils! Dae ye realize 'att wee's only a hunder an' seventy thee coppers froms winnin' uir Steem Oonce?!" -Keptin

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