“Silver Adventures”- Captain Joshua Slane – 15MR19 – ‘We’ll bring fire and thunder down upon their heads!’



⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵. . . "Tour of the Gulf of Aden". . . (cont.)

[Last time...]

Fifteen minutes more and the longboat was pulling hard for shore, less than a quarter mile distant. By now, a great number of townspeople had gathered on the eastern coast, peering and pointing at the great three-masted ship in its small harbor. The Captain turned towards Cockpit Mate- Midshipman's Mate Fisky…

“Gawd be wit’ ‘em! An' if nae, lit their aim be straight an' they’s swords sharp!"
“Aye Sairrr.”

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Late afternoon shadows were just beginning to fall across the northern bay of Victoria when Commander Galligan steered the longboat into the shallows along the shore of the palace grounds. He knew they were being watched from the tree line and he spoke quietly as he gave his commands…
“Ickied, first aff, secure th' boat line!"
“Aye Sairrr!” Petty Officer- Master-at-arms Ickied replied as he jumped the bow with the running line in his hand and secured it to an old tree stump.
“Everybody aff, an' kneel doon low until we hav uir bearings!" Galligan said as he stood up in a crouch.

When all seven crewman were on shore, they huddled for a moment about Galligan…

“Boy- Errislravenhill, stay with the boat. Th’ rest o’ ye, keep yer muskets in hain, move slaw behin' me an' dornt dae anythin' sudden!"

They crew all nodded as they fell into single file behind the Commander. The torches from the palace walls burned brightly even though nightfall was two hours off. A large clump of trees obstructed most of the view of the palace but to the southern side they could make out the orange colored stone walls and corner watchtower. They were being watched, that was known, but Galligan pushed on steadily around the tree-line and on out into the open grassy area beyond. It was then that they heard voices, commands and shouts from the trees further east…

At least fourteen palace guards stepped out from behind the trees with muskets leveled at them! Galligan held up his hand slowly and the group came to a halt. With a few more shouts and a hand motion from the lead guard leader, the security team quickly surrounded the crew.

Seaman- Ordinary Seaman Teemitag and Seaman- Landsman Teeming-hot both looked alarmed and glanced at the Commander with wide eyes. Galligan held his hand high and didn’t move.

“Qui êtes-vous et que voulez-vous?!” The leader of the palace guard barked in French.
“Spick Sassenach cheil! Ahh knows ye can! Thes isnae mah first arrival oan thes islain!" Galligan said bluntly.

The Palace guard showed irritation as he repeated his statement in English…

“Who are you and what do you want?!”
“Ahh’m Commander Galligan from th' guid ship Silverton thaur in yer harbur! An' thes is mah crew. Ahh wish tae hav presence wi' th' King oan on important matter.”
“What important manner?!”
“A matter o’ security fur th' islain ye might say." Galligan answered, standing tall.
“Security for the island?! I’m in charge of security for the island!” The Palace guard barked sharply.

Galligan had the look of growing impatience on his face…

“Look cheil, ye see 'att Scottish frigate oot thaur in yer harbur? She's got thirty-six guns primed an' pointed right at yer palace. If thaur is one shot fired ur onie sign o’ alarm, those bonnie walls will come tumblin' doon faster than ye can kiss yer arse guidbye!" Galligan said with grit in his voice.

The palace guard glanced out into the harbor where the ominous shadow of the three-masted warship stood at anchor. Confusion seemed to fill his mind as he barked a few commands to his men and then addressed Galligan directly…

“Stay here! I will announce your arrival and see if the King will see you!”

Galligan nodded and the angry guard stormed off across the grassy grounds towards the palace.

“No mair talkin' in Sassenach mates, heavy brogue only…” Galligan instructed as Ickied stepped forward to address him…
“Sairrr, ur we tae troost thes cheil? Thes whole thin' coods be huir uv a radge, an’ possible trap?!" Ickied asked in a concerned tone.
“Huir uv a radge it main be, but a trap? Nae, Ahh dornt hink sae. These bastards dornt gie a warship parked in their front yard everday mucker!"

Ickied nodded and then glanced back at the palace a moment…
“An' if th' Kin' refuses tae see us?"

Galligan grinned before answering…

” 'En we brin' fire an' thunder doon oan their heids wi' thes wee black spyug!" he said threateningly as he pointed at the messenger pigeon sitting on Seaman Ilipino’s shoulder.

The remaining palace guards shuffled nervously, not liking the tone of the conversation.

⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵


'Seaman- Able Seamen' an' 'Ordinary Seamen' oan th' Silverton:

Evsup- Seaman- Able Seaman
Tuna- Seaman- Able Seaman

Andofzara- Seaman- Ordinary Seaman
Teemitag- Seaman- Ordinary Seaman

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Confused? Ascared? Seasick? Need a private chat with the Captain?" - [email protected]

Reference: Pictures frae www.freeimages.com, www.pexels.com, pixabay.com, steemit.com an’ www.google.com/maps

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