“Silver Adventures”- Captain Joshua Slane –14OC19- ‘Bloody hell! The Monrovian dog has run for his life!’




⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵...(Toor ay ???)...

[Last time...]

Obviously they had been spotted and there was no welcoming party! Up on the rise over the river, six fast horses ran down the narrow road heading east away from the palace. Before all of them could make the ben however, a cannon blast hit the road amongst them and two of the horses and their riders were catapulted off of the road and down into the floodplain along the river!
“Poor horses, were they hurt?!” Andofzara said absently as he steered his boat directly into the brushy shore.

. . . . . . . . . . .

[On the south shore of river Mesurado, Monrovia…]

The men quickly pulled their longboats ashore, keeping their heads low…

“Git them up under th' bushes an' cover them with branches!" Commander Galligan ordered as he shouldered his musket and gazed high up the hill towards the burning palace.

Lieutenant Andofzara approached the Commander and saluted.

“Hoow shall we proceed Sairrr?" He asked, holding his musket tightly.
Galligan looked east where the road ran along the river. The horseman had all disappeared in the darkness. Then he looked south up the hill towards the palace.
“Ahh want ye ta take yer men sooth, straight up towards th' palace. Ahh'll take mah men eest alang th' road an' 'en sooth ta th' far side of th' palace. Let's see if we can make sense of what th' fock is goin’ oan here!" Galligan ordered sternly.
“Aye Sairrr!”

Just then there was a fluttering of wings above! The dark shape of a messenger pigeon finally came into view as Groober swooped low and landed on the head of Warrant Officer Bock!
“Sacre Bleu!!” He blurted out in shock as his hat flew off.
“What did ye say?" Warrant Officer Ickied asked as he tilted his head at Bock.
“Ahh means, ‘Blye me!’” Bock answered nervously as he pulled the big bird off his head and handed it to Ickied.
Ickied took hold of Groober and quickly unfastened the message.

“Reads it man!” Galligan ordered.
“Aye Sairrr…

Dears Galligan,
King Gartee has jist sent me a spyug! Hee's in dire straits! Th' palace has bin attacked by rebels froms Tubmanburg! They have over-run th' palace guard an' taken his daughter prisoner! He an' his personal guards have fled north alang th' road followin' th' river. Th' fockin' coward is beggin' 'att we rescue his daughter! Do what ye can, hee's promisin' fifty oonces of silver fur her safe return!’ –Keptin”

“Bloody hell!”” Galligan said in disgust, “Th’ Monrovian dog has run fur his life while leavin' his own daughter ta fend fur herself!"

Warrant officer Errislravenhill shook her head as she held her musket.

“Alright men, let's move! We'll converge oan th' palace froms th' north an' th' eest!" Galligan ordered as he made off with his group.

Andofzara headed straight south, up the hillside with his men as musket fire and yelling still rang out in the night. Not getting more than a hundred yards, renewed fire rained down on them from ahead. It was the same direction they took fire from while in their boats…

“Doon, doon, git doon!” Andofzara yelled as they all hit the dirt.
“Whaur th' hell is it comin' from?!" Errislravenhill said as she held her hat tight on her head.
“Ahh see’s it, behind a clump of bushes jist ahead! A single shooter!" Warrant Officer Veningart said.
“We've got ta take heem oot!” Andofzara said through gritted teeth, “Errislravenhill, Veningart, flenk heem ta th' right an' th' left an' we'll fling fire doon oan heem ta keep heem thaur!"
“Aye Sairrr!” “Aye, aye!”

The two experienced fighters broke from the group and moved swiftly to the east and west of the shooter. Suddenly Andofzara and the rest of the men let loose a flurry of musketfire!
It was then that Errislravenhill broke into a sprint, dagger in hand while Veningart did the same from the west! In a moment they were rounding the large clump of bushes and there lying on the ground with a musket was a rebel fighter!

It was over quickly. Veningart dove onto the man’s back, knocking the musket out of his arms while Errislravenhill ran in and grabbed his head by the hair and slit his throat with her dagger! The fighter fell limp.

“Damn, an' Ahh was gonna do a wee bit o' window hoppin’ in Monrovia!” She jested as she wiped her dagger clean on the back of the dead fighter.

With a blow on her Bosun's pipe, she sent the signal to the crew that the shooter had been taken out.
⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵
"Monroviar lies alang th' Cape Mesurado peninsular, atween th' Atlantic brine an' th' Mesurado river, whose mouth forms a large natural harbur. Th' Saint Paul river lies directly north of th' city an' forms th' northern boondary of Bushrod Islain, which is reached by crossin' th' "new bridge" froms downtoon Monroviar.

Monroviar is located in Montserrado coonty an' is Liberia's largest city an' its administratiff an' financial center an' so forth." - Keptin


Toor suggestions so far:

Kragerø, Norway
Djibouti, Africars
Diego Garcia Islain, India Ocean

"Three toor sugestions? Blye me, but Ahh needs fife fur a vote! Test not yoor Keptin!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Confused? Ascared? Seasick? Need a private chat with the Captain?" - [email protected]


Pictures from: www.freeimages.com, www.pexels.com, pixabay.com, steemit.com an’ www.google.com/maps. Data loosely interpretted froms: Wikipedia, an' sometimes finely crafted reit from th' author's extensiff personal experience an' such.

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