“Silver Adventures”- Captain Joshua Slane – 01MY20- ‘Move mates! Move fast!’

in #steemsilvergold4 years ago (edited)




⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵...(Tour of "High Island")...

[Last time...]

“Ha! Ha! Shaa Ahh teel th' Commander ye need a boat?!" Ilversaver888 teased.
“Och reit! Loch yoo're brave enaw tae approach heem! Ahh've seen ye googly-eyein' Commander Galligan froms afar!" Affisara returned, poking her in the ribs.
“Aye…is true…” Ilversaver888 admitted with a thoughtful eye, “But there's nae sham in 'att! He's handsome as a Scottish stallion an' strang as Lugus himself! Comes oan!...Wishin' ower th' rail will git ye brine-boak Lassie!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

[Montagnais Village...minutes later that night...]


Petty Officer – Yeoman Ickied had his work cut-out for him rounding up the men in the village. Two were in a close tangle with Indian squaws, and three were well lubricated on French “Firewater”. But at the threat of being thrown in the brig upon return to ship, all five reluctantly followed him out of the village square.

They headed west at first, fainting a course for the guest tee-pees but then Ickied quickly turned and headed south for shore. Some in the crew asked why they were heading towards shore but Ickied wasted no time with answers...

“Move muckers! Move fest!” He said in a low whisper as he stepped-up his pace to a jog, pushing his way through the brush.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

On the eastern edge of the village, Petty Officer – Sailmaker Errislravenhill made a stealthy approach to the edge of the forest shoreline. There, not forty feet away, sat their longboat and in it, two Montagnais warriors sitting with their feet up and handing a tobacco pipe back and forth.

“Blast!” Errislravenhill whispered to herself as she peered through the branches of a cedar tree.

She could not risk a fight with both, the ruckus would surely rouse attention from the village. This would have to be another tactic.
Picking up a large stone, she threw it far off to the east, making a great splash in the water! One of the warriors sat upright quickly and said something to the second warrior. As words were exchanged, an investigation was decided on.

Jumping over the bow of the boat, one of the warriors wandered off to find the source of the splash. Errislravenhill found her moment…

“Táim i ngrá leat!” She called out in Gaelic.

The lone Indian then jumped out of the boat and turned towards her voice. He stretched his head one way and then another before striding quickly towards the bushes with his knife drawn! Errislravenhill crouched motionless behind the cedar trees, her hand firmly grasping another stone. As the Indian came within ten feet of the forest, he finally paused cautiously, listening…

“Cronaím thú!” She continued, but this time in a feminine whisper.

It did the trick. The warrior smiled and shoved his knife in its sheath as he strode directly into the cedar grove!

Errislravenhill struck quickly, lunging up and landing a hard blow on the warriors forehead! With a deep grunt, he fell to the ground disoriented if not unconscious!
All bets were off now as the Errislravenhill dashed towards the boat! She quickly untied its lead-line and pushed with all her might…but… the big longboat didn’t budge!

⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵

Vocab fur lainlubbers:

'att (that)
ben an' ben (through and through)
bide (stay, wait)
bonny (attractive)
brine-boak (sea sick)
Cronaím thú! (I miss you!)
dobber (bastard)
doon (down)
een (eyes)
fest (fast)
gang (go)
grain (grand)
hoo (how)
intae (into)
jimmies (boys)
ken (know)
loch (like)
Lugus (strongest of the Celtic gods)
mirk (dark)
nae (not, no)
noo (now)
och (oh)
pinkid pimpernic (little bitch)
reit (right)
shair (shore)
strang (strong)
Táim i ngrá leat! (I love you!)
ur (are)
waur (were)
yak (eye)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Confused? Ascared? Seasick? Need a private chat with the Captain?" - [email protected]

References: Pictures from: www.freeimages.com, www.pexels.com, pixabay.com, steemit.com an’ www.google.com/maps. Data loosely interpretted froms: Wikipedia, an' sometimes finely crafted reit from th' author's extensiff personal experience an' such.


Damn, it's time to get oot of Dodge. Gotta hot wire this rig!

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