JB's New Job Blues - It's Tough Being The FNG

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago

Yeah, I know. It's the first day. But who wants to be the FNG (Fucking New Guy). This day could not have dragged ass any slower.


The highlight of my day was buying my little girl a Shamrock Shake on the drive home. I knew that would get a smile out of her.

I am trying to keep an open mind and be positive. Apparently I was supposed to be in Orientation at 630am...no one told me...so I showed up at 800am like my email directed. So I spent an hour filling out paperwork that my previous employer said that I wouldn't need?

Then they asked me my uniform size. I told them that my previous job emailed that to them 1 1/2 weeks ago. They said "yep, we got that but no uniforms yet". So they gave me a shirt that said "Brandon"....thanks. I'll be him today.

Random cat-on-my-leg-picture because pictures make posts more interesting. She likes it when I make a campfire...

So, the rest of the day was kinda just spent standing around. The person that was tasked with training me was so busy fighting fires, that I was pretty much just kind of hanging out. Looking at shit.

JB isn't much of a "hang around and watch" kind of person, so it was a total shit day for me. I would have rathered them hand me a broom for 8 hours, than stand there with nothing to do.

After 24 years of knowing what's up...I am now just kind of waiting on direction. Odd feeling.

I don't blame the guy that I am training with...I'm just slowing him down, and I've been in his shoes.

I told him this evening. Find something for me to do tomorrow that will help you out. I need some work.

Thanks for reading. I am hopeful that things go up from here!

Please upvote, Resteem, and buy a Shamrock Shake while they are still around!


I tell you what I've learned on life's journey. When you figure out ya don't know everything you become a man 😂

Thanks @pit-bullion, I wanna be a man someday lol 😂

on the plus side if you fuck up you can just blame Brandon.

Wow....I didn't think of that angle. Nice!

Don't lose that Brandon shirt no matter what you do.

Hang in there, just wait until you get computer access and they ask you to read command media, keep the coffee flowing, but this too will pass and you will be able to use your wealth of knowledge to get into some interesting projects. good luck

Haha...you're probably right @rollingthunder. This is karma paying me back for all the times I sent the new guy to the Maintenance cage screaming that we need more muffler bearings! Stat!

yeah it can be a bummer. But the good thing is there is a Story to be told about ALL experiences in Life including employment.

Thanks for sharing :)

You are correct @robertanddrew! I wish I could fast forward through a few chapters of this one haha!

It'll only get better from here. Soon you'll know everyone and everything. Remember you're still a hero to the recipient of that shake. That's all that really matters 👍😎

Thanks @goldenarms, yep family comes first! Today was a little better and stayed busy.

Lol. Hang in there, “Brandon,” it’ll get better.

Totally know the FNG feeling, and hate it too!

Haha....I think I'll also change my last name today @kafkanarchy84.

Brandon Horses is my new Indian name. That will mess up HR's paperwork!

Enjoy your little bit of down time, because it probably won't last long "Brandon". Also, where is your Shamrock Shake? I may need to get one of those today myself! I work in downtown Chicago...there are 3 McD's in a one block radius of my work!

Haha, you're probably right. I tried to get a shake today and they have apparently stopped selling them in my area now.

I hate first days. Yup I said days. They never are ready for you. Tons of long down time. Love the random cat on your leg pic. 😂

Thanks @mrs-v, I appreciate the nice words. I think that things will improve.

First day blues are normal sadly
Hopefully day two will be better and more productive for you

Yep, today was quite a bit better @tattoodjay! Appreciate it 😊

That’s great glad to hear it
I think I helped you have a better day with my nightmare day no network so I was so limited in what I could get done

That sounds like a tough day. Things will get better I hope. The fire is nice to think about things and unwind.

Thanks @mr-vulcan, yes a fire and a beer gives you some thinking time!

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