
Nope the painting up charge was an added $4 over the silver bullion costs. It is US done, and they did a great job.

I avoid buying anything from China!


You should too. Their stuff is substandard, and unreliable!


hey sir smithlabs..I like stuff from China, it's cheap. but I don't like buying it from there but I'm not usually the one buying and the one buying buys by price not where it's made.
besides, I'm not buying tools and supplies and stuff like you probably are so our stuff doesn't need to be as high of quality.

The stuff they produce is not generally safe to use.

Not just my opinion!


well we don't buy any food products like shrimp from them smithlabs, that would be daft!

They killed a bunch of Dogs with contaminated food recently. NOTHING from there is safe!

I was looking for some plastic. I found it from China, but it had an impurity that is banned in the USA as a bio toxin. They offered to sell it to me through a company in Mexico, to get past import inspections!

They are without Morals or decency!


sir smithlabs I never thought of looking at the ingredients of plastic! how do you know what it's made of?

55? They do hate me, ROFLOL!


hahaha! well no you are getting there but just a shade slower. I mean, what you're doing is working so if you like the way you're able to spend your time on here then just keep doing what you're doing.
If you want to make changes then you can do that in several ways.

Picking up a number a month is not really getting there. I wonder how much real world I would get done without steemit? I may just stop posting articles I find, and just write content less often.

I have seen people pleading with Cheta to get their account out of lock down. That is one bot we should do without!


well depends on what you like to do but if you want to grow your account faster then I would do one or two good posts a day and then spend the rest of the time getting followers, at least that's what has worked for me.
It's slowing down now but I used to gain about one tenth of a point each day.

I have set a goal of one post a day, for a month, then to reassess. Thus far I am on track, and a couple of weeks into the run.

So, we shall see!


sir smithlabs...on track for what? and into the run for what? rep 50?

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