Silver: Shoulda/coulda/woulda waited...

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

It's easy to have immediate regrets when you buy at a predicted bottom and silver goes down drastically soon after! This pillage is a bit nutty and (although I absolutely will not) it's tempting to go ALL IN on the undervalued shiny white!


In the end of the day, I choose live with no regrets because I am steadfast in belief that my money is ultimately going towards something true!

Whatever happens, I will continue to dollar/cost average as my buying strategy because there is only today to make these decisions and your predictive future bottom may never come!

I solidly believe that if we are buying silver at any price (especially be $20/oz,) we are making a very wise and special decision with our lives!

I commend all of you for your intestinal fortitude to continue stacking in highs and in lows!

Keep filling them coffers!!

~Hratch @jangaladesigns



You'll feel better once silvers $50 an oz down the road 🙌 ima just buy what I can afford same as u always do. Thx for the post

Great Post
Thank you for sharing

Nice post... just found your post. Upvoted.....follow me @empres-m for entertainment,gossip,advice,news and inspiration😘.

Thanks for your comment! I'll gladly follow you if you can answer one thing! How do you feel about the recent silver price smack down? Would love to hear your thoughts :)

As you said, having no regret because money is going towards something true. Our worldwide metal reserves are not inexhaustible.

Isn't it logical that our physical silver use will grow (medical industry; solar industry, ...) and mining will decrease ?

Always ready to hear other thoughts, even if you disagree :)

thx for the nice post

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