Silver: Keep your coffers filled with it!

There is nothing like seeing tangible evidence of your hard work and wise decision making taking the form of physical precious metal! There seems to be something that happens to the psyche when in the possession if this stuff and it really doesn't matter where/when you come from, the value is innately recognized.

As we have iterated and reiterated many a time, over the full course of human history (minus the past 46 years,) people have universally transacted in these metals because of their recognition as valuable and tangible medium of exchange.


The first time I purchased physical silver and handed over my hard-earned fiat in exchange for it, it was at that moment that realized the true value of my labor.

Paper money can NEVER truly be valued, but only "trusted." Trust and beliefs in promises may be broken, but true value can never be cheated.

I fill my coffer with precious metals because I am left solely responsible for the value of my work! We are all adults here and so (in my opinion) it is time stop playing make believe so we can get back to what is real, time-tested and TRUE!

Have a blessed and most abundant day!

~Hratch @jangaladesign



Releasing the shackles one at a time. Silver is Freedom! Great Post :)

I've slowly been looking into what to invest and silver and gold are slowly making their way to the top of the list for future investments.

It's an excellent and wise position to take my friend! If you understand economics and wealth cycles then investing in the undervalued asset classes is a no brainer! Silver is one of the most undervalued assets to take position in right now. For centuries a days labor was compensated with 1/10 of an oz of silver. The spot price of silver today is only $16.65/oz. you are able to purchase the compensation of 10 days labor for under $20. It's kind of ridiculous if you think about it. Tremendous opportunities are ripe for the taking my friend! Don't wait too long because who knows how long this manipulation will last! Good luck!

I have heard its only a matter of time before it rises. I'll definitely look into it.

I'm glad that you caught wind of it while it's still cheap!

That is an amazing bar my friend. I am jealous. As you may or may not know I am a huge fan of silver! Great post and keep up the great work.

Thank you brother! Oh yes! I m quite aware that you are a fan of silver ;)

I figured so. Lol

I entirely follow you.
Eight days ago I decided to convert some Steems for physical silver.
It felt wonderful to have those silver pieces in my hand. Like you wrote, paper money can never truly be valued. Physical things on the other side ...
Bright blessings.

Wonderful post, I'm new here and this is maybe the fourth thing I've seen. I'm so glad to find people of a common mindset, it gets tiring trying to explain to nonstackers why I choose silver but you nailed it! Metal over fiat, money over currency, value over hype👍

Welcome my friend and thank you for your comment! In order to explain it best to newbies or skeptics its best to instill within them a simple historical framework. This will make our point of view more apparent. Best of luck to you! I will surely follow you! ~Hratch

Silver looks even better in the sun my friend. Cheers

Great post So useful i have upvote you please upvote me thanks

It is a thing of Beauty to be sure !!! HolySmoke!

yes i am also collecting some silver and precious gems too -good post i followed you